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Pendower   Week Commencing 14th June 2024

Posted 26/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Year 6 have been enjoying their Maya based topic by completing a range of activities. We’ve been finding out about the various religious practises of this ancient civilisation and how they believe in 9 levels of the under world and 13 layers of heaven.

In DT, we’ve been busy creating beautiful Maya masks using the technique of batik. This involves drawing with hot, melted wax before painting in the unwaxed fabric with ink. The results are stunning, and we are so pleased with how they turned out. 



Posted 24/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 21/6/24

Another busy week!

  • A rainforest paint-along with the Born Free foundation, painting capybaras in the rainforest. It was tricky to keep up but fun to do!
  • We enjoyed a reading assembly with a book called The Day War Came - a great window to those who have escaped war and a mirror for some children we know from such countries. 
  • We took part in the Bridge Games, with an Olympic theme! We enjoyed playing the games and achieved some great scores!
  • We watched a great documentary by Sir David Attenborough to support our learning on rainforests, specifically the issue of deforestation. We learned to 'Use less space'!


Mousehole   All Things Nature!

Posted 23/06/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

All Things Nature!

The children enjoyed plating a sunflower seed this week to watch grow over the next couple of months. We sent it home straight away so that they can look after and water then as needed-we would love to see some progress photos as they grown so please do email with updates!

At the end of last week, we went to Saltash Library where we listened to a gentleman from the 'Cornwall Butterfly Conservation' who talked about the different wildlife in Cornwall and how to bring nature to spaces to attract butterflies and other creatures. This session really inspired the children and adults alike and we talked about how we could encourage people to bring nature to their spaces and created posters to share.

Many of the children have also continued to work on our own patio space to create, not only a pleasing place to enjoy for us, but also a habitat for our local nature to enjoy...although the squirrels are enjoying some of the plants and seeds a bit too much at times!

Thank you for the amazing homework that has come in so far! So varied and creative! The children have loved sharing them. They are due in tomorrow! I have included some of them in photos below. We will be creating a wonderful display with them all!


Head's Blog  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Suzanne Cooper

Shorts and Shades Day

Thank you for supporting the BFA's Shorts and Shades Day today. The children looked very summery and chilled and lots of lovely items have been donated for the hamper raffles which will be drawn during the summer fair next week. Speaking of which, don't forget to return your raffle tickets to be in with a chance of winning. Also, any donations to the cake stall will be gratefully received. Please send to Mrs Cabello on Tuesday morning..


Head's Blog  

Posted 21/06/2024
by Suzanne Cooper



Lantic   Week ending 21.06.24

Posted 21/06/2024
by Helen King

A wonderful week...

This week in Lantic class we have been finishing and writing our own poems - we even practised our handwriting by writing them out on special paper!  We also enjoyed our drumming lesson - we also do lots of singing during drums. In maths we have been learning some more about lines of symmetry - we have been using mirror lines to draw matching halves.  During Science we learnt and wrote about the lifecycle of a sunflower, we thought it was sad when it wilts, but what a blessing it is to have all those seeds after!


Tregantle   The Great Outdoors!

Posted 20/06/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Summer Sun

What lovely weather we've been enjoying this week! Tregantle Class have welcomed some new friends from different nurseries this week for their transition sessions to school. We spent lots of time in the garden using things from nature to make some crowns. The children used flowers, leaves and small sticks to create some fantastic patterns. We then made a new role play area in the garden - a pirate ship! The children all had lots of fun dressing up and finding treasure. Some children made treasure maps to help find the treasure and there was even a plank to walk along on the pirate ship! 
Tregantle Class have been getting active when practicing their races for sports day. We are getting very excited to take part in lots of races in a few weeks time! 


Talland   Week ending 21.06.24

Posted 19/06/2024
by David Parry

Life Skills

Throughout this week, the children have learned basic first aid skills. This included learning how to put a person into the recovery position; placing a triangular bandage into a position to make an arm sling; and the simple technique for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). There were all amazing at this. Well done, Talland Class.

This week has included using important grammar techniques in the children's story writing. The children have consolidated their knowledge and understanding of the use of speech marks and writing pieces of dialogue. They have been using some magnificent words so as not to overuse 'said': respond, growled and whispered, for instance.

This week's study has been investigating angles. We started with the terms acute, obtuse and reflex angles. This progressed to using protractors to accurately measure given angles then drawing their own angles.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

“Injuries” by R.U. Okay.

What part of first aid are pirates best at?


Talland   Week ending 14.06.24

Posted 16/06/2024
by David Parry

Creative Art Week

The children have had the opportunity to apply their creative skills during this week. The focus was abstract drawing and painting. As you can see from the pictures, the children's ideas, creativity and enthusiasm oozed out throughout the week. They should all be proud of their achievements.

This week, the children have learned how to write a set of instructions using imperative verbs and numbered bullet points. They have also secured their knowledge and understanding for the use of : and ;. 

This has been the final week for the children's study of decimal numbers for this term. They are now confident in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimal numbers. This includes its every day use when calculating money. 

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

What did the artist draw before he went to bed? – The curtains!

Did you hear about the artist that always took things too far?
– She didn’t know where to draw the line.


Lantic   Week ending 14.06.24

Posted 14/06/2024
by Helen King

Art Week

The children in Lantic class have been busy artists all this week... They have been making observational drawings of flowers, then drawing various farm animals!  They really are getting much better at REALLY looking at objects and pictures before drawing what they can see.

We have of course also been writing a class poem based on '10 Thing in a Wizard's Pocket' about a farmer's pocket - you wouldn't believe what they carry!!  And of course Maths, where we started looking at lines of symmetry...


Tregantle   Art Week

Posted 13/06/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Amazing Art!

Tregantle Class have really enjoyed getting creative during our art week this week! We started the week with an assembly entitled 'be more like moss.' We learnt about how amazing moss is and looked closely at the textures and patterns it creates. The children then had the chance to make their own little piece of pom-pom moss by threading lots of different types of fabrics and adding them to the huge 'moss sheet.' 
Throughout the rest of the week the Year 1 children have focused on improving their observational drawing skills. They picked a different farm animal each day and used the shapes, lines and spacing that they saw to draw some very accurate animals. 
The EYFS children have been experimenting with the patterns they can make with paint. They have tried marble painting, bubble paining and string painting. All techniques were fully embraced and the classroom art wall is now full of very colourful paintings!  



Posted 12/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 14/6/24

I don’t think we could have had a more exciting and busy week if we tried! 

We opened the week with an introduction to Arts Week. We were joined by The Mossy Project and some children got to make some fantastic art with them. Back in the classroom, we started our own projects, based on the work of Wayne Thiebaud and his ‘3 donuts’ painting. They looked good enough to eat by the end of the week! 

On Tuesday, the big day had arrived for our trip to the Eden Project. We became Rainforest Rangers as we learned how to survive in the Amazon. We passed our training and had the BEST day exploring the whole of Eden! More photos here:

We also completed our Multiplication Checks this week. The children did AMAZINGLY well and all their hard work to learn their times tables certainly paid off! 



Posted 12/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 7/6/24

In English, we have been planning our explanation texts ready for writing next week. The children have chosen their preferred sea creature and will explain how they have adapted to their environment. The class are really enjoying this as we have some really keen interest in marine species. 

In maths, we have been working with money and time - two quite tricky subjects! Keep up the great work, everyone! A huge success for us this week was winning the MTC Cup in a South West league of year 4 children! Everyone smashed it! 

On Thursday, we thought of D-Day and remembered what had happened and talked about why. This was followed by a special assembly from Mrs Cooper where we learnt more and remembered with remembrance poems, written by some of year 6 earlier this year.


Mousehole   Eden Trip!

Posted 12/06/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Eden Project

 On Tuesday, we enjoyed a trip to The Eden Project where we were able to feel and sense what it would be like in a real rainforest. We enjoyed being explorers in our workshop, 'Puzzling Plants', where the children used a map to navigate their way through the tropical biome, collecting facts and clues about different exciting plants. We also enjoyed exploring the Mediterranean biome and some of the other areas on offer at Eden, including the new park which was greatly enjoyed by all!


Seaton   Week Ending 7th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have come to the end of the first week in our final half term. Year 6 have been busy with Bike Ability, lawn bowls and delving into the world of Stanley Yelnats via the book ‘Holes’.

Both classes have been working on their English skills by developing their descriptive writing with a particular focus on characterisation, dialogue and setting. They have all produced an individual piece of work based on the novel, which many are thoroughly enjoying.

We also remembered the incredible bravery of all of those who were willing to fight for our freedom in the D-Day landings 80 years ago. Three of our pupils read their war-based poems to the rest of the school to mark this solemn and important date.

Over the coming weeks, our thoughts will begin to turn towards the end of year celebrations and how we can mark the culmination of Year 6 in style! Keep reading the blog and checking your emails to discover more.


Seaton   Week Ending 24th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Whilst most of the year group sped off to Okehampton, a select few were privileged to experience a collapsed timetable and a range of activities before the half term holiday.

Monday saw the group begin the challenge of creating giant insects for Saltash Library. A huge weevil and a delicate damselfly are both under construction and will eventually be hung from the library ceiling over the summer; read the future blogs for images of the completed creations.

Tuesday, the children were treated to an exclusive, private swimming session at Saltash Leisure Centre complete with inflatables. Thank you so much to the staff at the pool who generously offered this session to the children: they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday saw us at the mercy of the Cornish weather! We took a trip out o Kelly Bray woods near Callington for a forest fun day. We were able to play various games and build a shelter just before the heavens opened! Whilst the rain dripped through the leaves, we had fun making clay creations before retreating to the minibus for an early return to school. Typically, this was the point when the sun came out, so we ate al-fresco before heading home.

Thursday found us at Hessinford walking our way through the woods towards Seaton Beach. We had great fun finding various stick to play ‘Pooh Sticks’ along the route culminating with a flurry of games off the small foot bridge. We then made our way to the park and our picnic :)

Once at the beach, we all enjoyed cricket, Smite, paddling, shell seeking and burying Ayrton up to his neck!

It has been a great week, and we look forward to hearing about the adventures of the other Year 6s and their trip to Okehampton.


Pendower   Week Ending 7th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

We have come to the end of the first week in our final half term. Year 6 have been busy with Bike Ability, lawn bowls and delving into the world of Stanley Yelnats via the book ‘Holes’.

Both classes have been working on their English skills by developing their descriptive writing with a particular focus on characterisation, dialogue and setting. They have all produced an individual piece of work based on the novel, which many are thoroughly enjoying.

We also remembered the incredible bravery of all of those who were willing to fight for our freedom in the D-Day landings 80 years ago. Three of our pupils read their war-based poems to the rest of the school to mark this solemn and important date.

Over the coming weeks, our thoughts will begin to turn towards the end of year celebrations and how we can mark the culmination of Year 6 in style! Keep reading the blog and checking your emails to discover more.


Pendower   Week Ending 24th June 2024

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Whilst most of the year group sped off to Okehampton, a select few were privileged to experience a collapsed timetable and a range of activities before the half term holiday.

Monday saw the group begin the challenge of creating giant insects for Saltash Library. A huge weevil and a delicate damselfly are both under construction and will eventually be hung from the library ceiling over the summer; read the future blogs for images of the completed creations.

Tuesday, the children were treated to an exclusive, private swimming session at Saltash Leisure Centre complete with inflatables. Thank you so much to the staff at the pool who generously offered this session to the children: they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday saw us at the mercy of the Cornish weather! We took a trip out o Kelly Bray woods near Callington for a forest fun day. We were able to play various games and build a shelter just before the heavens opened! Whilst the rain dripped through the leaves, we had fun making clay creations before retreating to the minibus for an early return to school. Typically, this was the point when the sun came out, so we ate al-fresco before heading home.

Thursday found us at Hessinford walking our way through the woods towards Seaton Beach. We had great fun finding various stick to play ‘Pooh Sticks’ along the route culminating with a flurry of games off the small foot bridge. We then made our way to the park and our picnic :)

Once at the beach, we all enjoyed cricket, Smite, paddling, shell seeking and burying Ayrton up to his neck!

It has been a great week, and we look forward to hearing about the adventures of the other Year 6s and their trip to Okehampton.


Mousehole   Week Ending 07.06.24

Posted 09/06/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

It has been lovely to see some of the varied Rainforest Homework come in this week. Thanks for the huge effort we have seen so far! The children have loved sharing them with the class.

In English, we have planning our explanation texts ready for writing next week. The children have chosen their preferred sea creature and will explain how they have adapted to their environment. The class are really enjoying this as we have some really keen interest in marine species.

In maths, we have been working with capacity and volume as well as remembering key facts and learning from throughout the year.

On Thursday, we thought of D-Day and remembered what had happened and talked about why. This was followed by a special assembly from Mrs Cooper where we learnt more and remembered with remembrance poems, written by some of year 6 earlier this year.

We’ve talked lots about books this week (again :) and are ready to link our love of books to art as we celebrate ‘Art Week’ across the school next week.

Some of the class have also been working hard in our little garden/patio area outside of our classroom. If the children would like to bring in gardening gloves and a trowel we will continue this next week. The children have planted some new flowers and some radishes! 


Talland   Week ending 07.06.24

Posted 07/06/2024
by David Parry

Further Batik art progress

Talland Class have been practising Batik techniques during this week's lessons. They have used resist strategies (wax, flour and water and no resist) to compare and make judgement on the best strategy to use when they make their own Batik piece of work. A resist is a technique used to prevent the fabric paint staining part of the material when dyed. They are able to use various patterns using this technique.


The children have had the opportunity to write up and illustrate their completed spooky stories during the English lessons. They shared their stories with the class and enjoyed both listening to others' stories and delivering their own. There was a vast amount of hard work and thought put into this piece of work. Thank you, Talland Class.


The maths' lessons during the work have been used to consolidate the children's understanding of decimal numbers to 2-decimal places. To ensure a good understanding of adding and subtracting decimals, the children have had to choose the correct operation to use to solve a problem and decide on the best method of solving it: for example, the column or the bar method. 

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

Did you hear about the artist that always took things too far? – S/he didn’t know where to draw the line.

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? – A carrot!


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