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Talland Y5   STEM Robotics

Posted 01/12/2024
by Leonie Swabey

Talland get Technical!

Thanks to Hyett Education and Miss Henning, Talland got to experience what it is like to work as an engineer in the robotics sector today.

We first had to follow instructions to construct a small robot, then had to solve a series of design problems to allow a Lego figure to be attached, for the wires to stay clear of the wheels and to include a working headlight! The children then had to  produce some code to ensure that the robot did as they wanted it to do and moved where they intended.

It was a truly inspiring, and seriously fun, morning for all.


Lantic Y1 Y2   Week ending 29.11.24

Posted 29/11/2024
by Helen King

Scientist's and Architect's 

This week as well as lots of amazing writing during English and working hard with addition and subtraction in Maths, the children have been rehearsing for our Christmas performance. 

They have also been designing waterproof buildings for Incy Wincey Spider in Science and designing new Tudor/Stuart buildings in DT.  They have really enjoyed working together on their waterproof designs - though some were more successful than others.  Then they started to evaluate what they did! 


Issys Nursery   Building relationships

Posted 29/11/2024
by Ruth Smith

We have had a busy half term, with lots of new children settling in and learning all about the Nursery routines; some of the very young children have found it hard to say 'good-bye' to Mummy or Daddy, but now they are coming in with excited faces.

The older children have had to learn to be tolerant and patient with the new, younger ones and now we can see how they are all building friendships with each other, enjoying each others company and being able to play alongside and share the resources.



Daymer Y3 Y4   w/e 29.11.24

Posted 29/11/2024
by Sara McKillop

I think we can certainly say the highlight of this week was going to the cinema on Tuesday to see 'The Wild Robot'. We have been greatly looking forward to this since we read the book last half term. We handed out the tissues as we knew there'd be some tears, and Miss Henning certainly had a few! It was a lovely film, highly recommended. We will be writing film reviews soon!

Also this week, we published our Earthquake non-chronological reports - they're looking amazing!
We finished our unit of Maths on Area (Year 4) and are about to start on Multiplication and Division!
In Science, we drew diagrams of the 3 states of matter - solids, liquids and gases. Can you remember how the particles move in each?
In Geography, we have designed our earthquake proof buildings, ready to build them in the coming weeks!

Phew! What a week, as always!
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!


Tregantle EYFS Y1   Teamwork Tigers

Posted 29/11/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Working Together

This week Tregantle Class have been getting brilliant at being 'Teamwork Tigers.' The children have been learning about how to be a good partner and group member; we have been taking turns, listening to our friends and talking respectfully to each other. This has meant that we have accomplished some amazing things! One team of children worked together to complete a large dinosaur puzzle. They then made it into a 'dino world' by adding a wall and toy dinosaurs. Another group of children used their teamwork skills to build a whole village in the construction area. There was such attention to detail including a swimming pool and a park! Another group of teamwork tigers went to the creative area and and worked together to make a spectacular volcano. The writing table has also been very busy this week as so many children are now using their knowledge of sounds to build words. We have seen some incredible independent writing - well done Tregantle teamwork Tigers! 


Head's Blog   A busy final week of November

Posted 28/11/2024
by Darren Woolner

As November comes to an end so does another incredibly busy week of learning at Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy. Take a peek at this week's Brunel Bulletin to keep up-to-date with all of our latest news and events. 


Head's Blog  

Posted 24/11/2024
by Darren Woolner

A week full of cultural capital opportunities at Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy

It's been an action-packed week filled with incredible cultural capital opportunities for our children! From immersive cinema visits to hands-on STEM workshops, and unforgettable trips, our children have been engaged in experiences that broaden their horizons and inspire their passions. As we look back on these exciting moments, we invite you to catch up with all the highlights from the past seven days in Issue 12 of the Brunel Bulletin. Keep reading to discover how our pupils have been exploring the world beyond the classroom!


Daymer Y3 Y4  

Posted 22/11/2024
by Sara McKillop

w/e 22.11.24

As always, Daymer children have continued to work hard across the curriculum this week, including learning about Democracy in PSHE, Rosh Hashanah in RE, continuing our work with earthquakes in geography, writing our first draft of a non-chronological report in English and column addition and subtraction in maths (Y3) and Area (Y4)! In geography, we even learned what to do in the case of an earthquake alarm - Drop, Cover, Hold on and stay calm!  

We thoroughly enjoyed our STEM workshop on Tuesday, where the children used their Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical skills to work to design and code robots.

We have been delighted with the homework that has been coming in this week. Thank you so much for your support with this. The children have shone when sharing what they have done.

We also learnt some vital road safety skills in our assembly on Wednesday. Today, Friday, was ‘wear bright’ to school (on coats and/or bags-still normal school uniform) where a prize will be given to the best class.

Next Thursday is our school reading café after school where families can pop up to the KS2 hall to enjoy books together and for fun around books. It will be lovely to see your support with this.


Tregantle EYFS Y1   One week - Two trips!

Posted 22/11/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Out and about

Well Tregantle Class have certainly had a busy week! On Tuesday we walked to Saltash Fire Station with Lantic Class. The Children learnt about how different fire fighting is now compared to when the great fire of London happened. The Fire Service were absolutely brilliant and even let the children have a go with the hose pipe - it was so much fun! 
On Thursday we were off again - this time to the cinema. Tregantle Class got a double decker bus (the excitement levels were through the roof!) into Plymouth to watch Jungle Bunch 2 as part of the national film event. The film was so funny and we all enjoyed laughing together. We even got to see snow on the way back to school!
On Friday the children came to school in high visibility and reflective accessories as part of our leaning about road safety and we now all remember the phrase: 'be safe, be seen.' What an action packed week! 


Lantic Y1 Y2   Week ending 22.11.24

Posted 22/11/2024
by Helen King

What a busy week!

We have done so much this week in Lantic Class!

At the beginning of the week we visited Saltash Fire Station - we learnt about fire safety ay home and who to call in a fire.  We then were shown around a fire engine and we even got to have a go using the water hose.

On Thursday we visited Vue Plymouth to watch Jungle Bunch World Tour - we all really enjoyed the film it was very funny.

In DT, we have started to look at designing Tudor buildings.  We have done this by studying Tudor buildings and finding their features.


Marazion Y3 Y4   Autumn 2 Week 3

Posted 21/11/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Marazion class have truly made us so proud this week. They performed their class assembly to an incredible high standard. The oracy skills shown were superb. Thank you to this parents and grandparents who were able to join us.

As well as our rehearsals and performance, the children have continued to work hard across the curriculum which has included learning about Democracy in PSHE, Rosh Hashanah in RE, continuing our work with earthquakes in geography, writing our first draft of a non-chronological report in English and column addition and subtraction in maths (Y3)!

We thoroughly enjoyed our STEM workshop on Tuesday where the children used their Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical skills to work to design and code robots.

We have been delighted with the homework that has been coming in this week. Thank you so much for your support with this. The children have shone when sharing what they have done.

We also learnt some vital road safety skills in our assembly on Wednesday. Friday is ‘wear bright’ to school (on coats and/or bags-still normal school uniform please) where a prize will be given to the best class.

Next Thursday is our school reading café after school where families can pop up to the KS2 hall to enjoy books together and for fun around books. It will be lovely to see your support with this.


Talland Y5   Victorian Day

Posted 21/11/2024
by Sarah Burton

More gruel please...

Today we dressed like Victorians and learnt what life was like in a Victorian school.

We started by singing the National Anthem in the hall and then we learned how rules were different in Victorian times. For example, children stand every time an adult enters the classroom and they must not count on their fingers during maths lessons.

Throughout the day, they took part in workshops where they found out about Victorian life. They learned about Victorian Christmas and made a decoration, they created a sampler by experimenting with embroidery, they played some Victorian playground games and even chanted their times tables!

I think the highlight was trying the gruel that Jane made - it had mixed reviews.

What a fantastic and educational day!


Seaton Y6   Victorian Day

Posted 21/11/2024
by Sarah Burton

More gruel please...

Today we dressed like Victorians and learnt what life was like in a Victorian school. 

We started by singing the National Anthem in the hall and then we learned how rules were different in Victorian times. For example, children stand every time an adult enters the classroom and they must not count on their fingers during maths lessons. 

Throughout the day, they took part in workshops where they found out about Victorian life. They learned about Victorian Christmas and made a decoration, they created a sampler by experimenting with embroidery, they played some Victorian playground games and even chanted their times tables!

I think the highlight was trying the gruel that Jane made - it had mixed reviews. 
What a fantastic and educational day!


Talland Y5   w.e. 14th November

Posted 19/11/2024
by Leonie Swabey

Antibullying Week, Maths Week England, Local Visits and Violin Concerts!

My goodness, what an action-packed week Talland have had!

In English, we have been learning to recite and analyse 'From a Railway Carriage'; a Victorian poem penned by Robert Louis Stevenson.

To inspire our writing, as well as further our learning about the Industrial Revolution we visited the 'Bridging the Tamar' exhibit and workshop on Thursday. We found out the history of both the Royal Albert Bridge and Tamar Bridge, and details of how they were created, as well as what the area looked like before either were built. In addition, we learned about the cause and effects of the Industrial Revolution, and how our school's namesake was at the heart of this.

Rounding off the week, we held a violin concert to demonstrate what we had been learning with Sally Bartholomew from Asone music hub. I'm sure those parents, who were able to attend, would agree that the progress that they have made in playing the violin, as well as musical concepts like rhythm, reading music and notation, was astounding. If your child would like to continue learning to play the violin, we are very lucky to have Mr Jane who provides lessons. For those children who are in receipt of free school meals, there is often a subsidy available to help with the cost.

Finally, in addition to all of this, we carried out many activities based around Anti-bullying Week and Maths Week England, including a maths treasure hunt where each answer led them to the next clue.


Seaton Y6   STEM

Posted 19/11/2024
by Sarah Burton


This morning, Seaton class took part in a STEM workshop. 

They learned how to build a robot from Lego by following instructions and then they were able to design and personalise their robots. Once it was finished, they used their coding skills to guide the robot across a maze. 

It was a fun-packed morning and all the children were all successful in getting their robots to follow their coding. There was some fantastic team work. Excellent work Seaton class. 


Seaton Y6   Science - gears and cogs

Posted 19/11/2024
by Leonie Swabey

We ended our unit on forces today by looking at gears. 

We discussed the different types of gears and what they might be used for. The children were surprised to find out how many things contain gear mechanisms, especially children's toys. 

Then the class were able to explore and experiment with gears by using plastic models and online programmes. They wanted to find out the direction that gears turn and how the number of teeth impacts the speed at which a gear will rotate. They were able to adjust the size, shape, speed and style of different gears. 


Seaton Y6   Violins

Posted 18/11/2024
by Sarah Burton

Concert time!

Over the last 10 weeks, we have been learning to play the violin with Mrs Bartholomew. 

She has taught us how to hold the violin properly and even follow sheet music. We learned about pulse, rhythm, crescendos and listening for a beat. 

The children have really enjoyed learning a new instrument and some of them were surprised by how quickly they picked it up.

On Friday afternoon, the class put on a concert to their parents to show them everything they have learned. It was a great success. Thank you to all the parents that came to watch.


Seaton Y6   Bridge Visit

Posted 18/11/2024
by Sarah Burton

Industrial Revolution

This week, we went on a visit to the museum at the Tamar Bridge Office.

We walked from school over the bridge first which will help us write our poems next week. We really enjoyed the amazing views.

We learnt all about the industrial revolution and how the bridge was made. It was really interesting to find out how they would have dug under the water. 

Then we got to explore in the interactive part and build our own bridges. Another fun part was looking at the cameras and watching different parts of the bridge in action. 



Daymer Y3 Y4  

Posted 18/11/2024
by Sara McKillop

w/e 15.11.24

What a fun-filled week, jam-packed with learning about respect for Anti-Bullying week and maths activities for Maths Week!

We spent time to remember lives lost on Remembrance Day and did activities in class for our remembrance service. Some children went to St Anne’s and designed medals. 

The children have also greatly enjoyed learning about earthquakes, creating video news reports (reporting on an earthquake) and learning about how to make buildings safer in their DT project to build a building to withstand an earthquake!

We even squeezed in Children in Need on Friday and some super learning about soils in Science! 


Tregantle EYFS Y1   Super Singing

Posted 15/11/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Another Busy Week

What a lot we've had on this week! 

We started the week with our Remembrance service which took place on the playground. The children were so respectful and displayed the poppy wreath that they had made.
On Tuesday we all wore odd socks to school to show our support for national anti bullying week. We shared stories about respecting our similarities and differences. 
On Wednesday we had a wonderful time joining with some other local schools to take part in 'The Princess and the Pea' singing workshop. Tregantle Class were so enthusiastic at singing the songs - they really did us proud!
On Thursday we became wonderful writers. It is so amazing to see our EYFS children start to put all of their phonics learning together and write simple words by themselves. Our Year 1 children have impressed us all with their writing about our new focus story 'Hansel and Gretel.' After school, lots of children attended the 'escape room' maths games event for national maths week which was so much fun!
We ended the week on Friday by dressing in blue to show that Brunel are against bullying. We learnt about what bullying is and what we should do if it happens to us or our friends. What a fantastic week! 


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We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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