Class Blog for Daymer Y3 Y4

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w/e 28.3.25

Wow, these weeks are flying past, they're so jam packed! Let's see what's been going on this week!

It started off with the most AMAZING visit to the Space Dome - as we lay on our backs admiring the night sky, we were transported to space stations, moons, meteors and even back in time! A wonderful, memorable experience had by all!

English - we are planning our balanced arguments about digging up our school field for the Roman remains - will they turn out to be genuine or not? Will we lose our field?

On Monday, some children from each class visited the 'Story Caravan', a truly magical place full of awe and wonder! What a special treat!

History - we learned about Hadrian's wall and Vindolanda fort - some amazing artefacts from Roman times have been found there and we analysed some of these to see what we could learn about the Romans that lived there. Fascinating stuff!

In RE, we learned about the weird and wonderful Penzance festival of Golowen. We were all really taken by the Obby Oss! What a strange creature it is! It looks like a really exciting festival, too!

Science - we learned about how different surface textures affect the speed of objects moving down them - we used ramps and toy cars to experiment with the hypothesis that a rougher surface creates more friction and will therefore slow the car down. We were right!

Also on Friday, Year 4 were taken over to the library to take part in 'Biowatch' and do some arts and crafts about the world around us! Can they tell you all about it?

Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you all back on Monday for the final week of term! 

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w/e 21/3/25 

We’ve had an action-packed and exciting week in Year 3 and 4, full of discoveries, creativity, and teamwork!

Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to:

English – A Mysterious Discovery! A thrilling discovery on the school field has sparked curiosity and debate in our classroom! The children have been formulating arguments for and against various possibilities, using the language of debate in their writing. They have also been practising their amazing oracy skills, confidently discussing their viewpoints in preparation for their balanced argument writing.

Maths Measuring Up and Mastering Numbers. Year 3 have embarked on their new topic of length and perimeter, exploring how to measure and calculate distances and boundaries. Meanwhile, Year 4 have been delving into fractions and decimals, developing their understanding of how numbers can be represented in different ways.

History – Marching Like Romans. The children had a fantastic time drilling like Roman soldiers! They researched what made the Roman army so powerful and put their knowledge into practice with some impressive marching and formation exercises.

Science – Investigating Forces Our new science topic, Forces and Magnetism, began with an exciting investigation into how different forces affect moving objects. The children loved experimenting and observing how things move in different ways.

Computing - the Year 3 children learned lots about 'Fake News' in their Online Safety lesson and the Year 4 children tried out the Data loggers, collecting data from various places around school. Which places were the quietest, brightest or hottest, for example?

RE A Special Visit to St Stephen’s Church On Thursday - we had a wonderful visit to St Stephen’s Church, where we learned all about the creation story and how to be stewards of our Earth. The children behaved beautifully and participated enthusiastically in discussions and activities.

Dance – A Creative Collaboration Many children had the amazing opportunity to take part in a dance workshop on Monday, where they worked with children from other schools to explore creative dance and build friendships. It was a truly inspiring experience!

PE – Fielding Skills in Cricket. In PE, we focused on fielding techniques in cricket, practising catching, throwing, and teamwork to improve our game.

PSHE – Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds Our PSHE lessons this week centered around the importance of exercise. The children explored what happens to their bodies and minds when they exercise and why staying active is vital for their well-being.

It has been a fantastic week of learning, and we can’t wait to see what next week brings!

Best wishes, The Year 3 & 4 Team

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w/e 14.3.25 - Our Dartmoor Overnight trip! 



w/e 7.3.25

We have had another busy week!

English – Poems from the past - This week, we finished writing our Stone Age poems and turned to celebrating the end of WWII by writing VE80 poems for a local competition!

Maths – Year 4 have continued using Peri the snail to help them learn about perimeter and Year 3 have been continuing their work on multiplication and division.

History – When did the Romans come to Britain and why? We used our Historian skills to set up a timeline of events and discussed why the Romans came over to little ole Blighty!

RE – Cornish Folktales - This week, we learned the strange and interesting story of St Piran - it tied in brilliantly with it being St Pirans day and Talland class's assembly all about St Piran, too! We loved watching the Furry Dance!

Science - More Shadows! We had great fun creating shadow puppets, learning about how to change the shape and size of shadows.

Thank you for your continued support!

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w/e 28.2.25

We have had a fantastic first week back after the half-term break, and the children have settled brilliantly into their learning. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to:

English – Poetic Creations. This week, we have been exploring poetry, focusing on rhyme and rhythm. The children have planned and started writing their own poems, showcasing their creativity and developing their writing skills in exciting ways.

Maths – Building Skills and Understanding Year 4 have started learning about area and perimeter, tackling different challenges to deepen their understanding of these important concepts. Peri the snail has helped us remember how to calculate perimeters by counting around the edge of the shape.
Year 3 have been continuing their work on multiplication, building confidence and fluency in their number skills.

History – Discovering the Romans - We began our new topic on the Romans by looking at their impressive buildings and monuments. The children were fascinated by Roman architecture and are eager to learn more about this incredible civilization.

RE – Cornish Folktales - In RE, we have started to explore Cornish folktales, uncovering the rich traditions and storytelling heritage of our local area.

PE – Throwing and Catching - This week in PE, we focused on improving our throwing and catching skills. The children enjoyed various activities designed to develop their coordination and teamwork.

The Archie Project – Understanding Dementia - We had an engaging assembly about dementia as part of the Archie Project. The children learned about different types of dementia and how to interact with people who have it. These valuable skills will be put to use when we visit the residents of St Anne’s care home.

Science - Shadows! We had great fun creating dinosaur shadows on the playground. We learned how shadows are longer when the sun is lower in the sky. Next week, we will investigate this further. 

It has been a great start to the half-term, and we are looking forward to all the exciting learning ahead. Thank you for your continued support.



w/e 26.2.25 - End of Half term!

Wow—what a fantastic end to this half term! The children have worked incredibly hard and had so much fun with their learning.

In English, we’ve been preparing for our poetry writing by exploring noun phrases and prepositions to create vivid descriptions. The children also practiced performing poetry aloud, building their confidence and expression—there are certainly some budding poets in the class!

Maths has been full of excitement as we continued our times tables challenges and tackled multiplication and division with larger numbers. The children have shown great perseverance and problem-solving skills, and we are so proud of their progress.

In History, we wrapped up our fascinating topic on the Stone Age to Iron Age by comparing different periods and reflecting on how life changed over time. The class had some brilliant discussions, showing how much they’ve learned.

This week, we were also lucky to have an exciting visit from an author and illustrator! The children loved engaging in creative activities inspired by their work, and many took the chance to get a signed book—a wonderful way to celebrate reading and storytelling.

Thank you for all your support this half term. We hope you have a wonderful and restful break, and we look forward to another exciting half term of learning ahead!





we 7.2.25

What a brilliant week we have had in Daymer Class! The children have been working hard across all subjects, developing their skills and creativity in so many ways. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to:

Monday’s St Anne’s visit celebrated Elmer’s birthday! 

English – Stories and Poetry
This week, the children edited and improved their adaptations of Stone Age Boy, showing great creativity and attention to detail. We also began our poetry unit by reciting poems in groups and as a class, building confidence and expression in our performances. It has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm for poetry growing!

Art – A Splash of Colour!
We started the week by immersing ourselves in the artwork of John Dyer. The children practised different artistic techniques in their sketchbooks before creating their own bright and colourful pieces of Daymer Bay. They worked so hard to capture the beauty of this iconic place while keeping to the Daymer theme. The results are stunning!

Number Day Fun!
Today, we celebrated Number Day by becoming Times Tables Rock Stars for the NSPCC!

History – Trading in the Bronze and Iron Age

In History, we explored the concepts of trading, importing, and exporting during the Bronze and Iron Age. The children had a great time role-playing as traders, exchanging goods with their friends to create the perfect survival kit for the era. It was fantastic to see them thinking strategically and working collaboratively.

Children’s Mental Health Week
Throughout the week, we took part in various activities for Children’s Mental Health Week. From whole-school assemblies to class discussions, we focused on personal growth and self-reflection. We read The Colour Monster, which helped us think about our emotions. The children also shared thoughtful insights about how they can ‘grow’ in different ways.

Dance – A Performance to Remember!
Mr Woolner was delighted to watch the final dance pieces that the children have been working on. Their teamwork, effort, and commitment to perfecting their routines were truly impressive!

Computing – Exciting Coding Projects

·       Year 3 have been coding on Scratch, creating sequences and variables to make music. They have really enjoyed experimenting with different sounds and functions!

·       Year 4 have been working with Micro:bits, designing step counters, night lights, and emotion badges. Their creativity and problem-solving skills have shone through!

Science – The Power of the Sun
In Science, we explored the effects of sunlight and how it can damage our skin and eyes. The children were fascinated by this topic and had great discussions about how we can protect ourselves from the sun.

A Celebration of Art Week
We ended the week by enjoying a wonderful art display, showcasing the fantastic artwork created by classes across the school. The children loved seeing what their peers had produced and took great pride in their own work.

Thank you for your continued support. We hope you have a lovely weekend!



w/e 31.1.25

We've had a fantastic and busy week in Year 3 and 4, packed with exciting learning experiences and opportunities to develop new skills. Here's a look at what we've been up to:

This week, the children have been working hard on writing their own stories set in the past. They have demonstrated a range of writing skills, including: Using fronted adverbials of time and place; accurately punctuating speech; maintaining correct verb tenses; creating rich descriptions and characterisation through 'show not tell'. It has been wonderful to see their creativity shine through in their storytelling!

We have continued our work on multiplication and division. A strong foundation in times tables significantly supports mathematical learning, so please keep practising key facts at home. Quick recall of these facts makes learning across all areas of maths much easier once they are embedded.

In history, we have been exploring the Bronze Age. The children learned about: How bronze was made and where it came from in to Britain; the differences in how people found food during the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and today. This has been a fascinating topic already, and the children have engaged well with historical thinking and discussions.

This week in PSHE, we have focused on having a growth mindset. The children tackled various challenges in groups, demonstrating perseverance, resilience, and teamwork. It has been great to see their confidence grow as they approached each challenge with enthusiasm.

As part of our whole year group dance, we have been adding rain elements to our routines. The children have displayed excellent collaboration and creativity, working together to refine their performances.

Taking inspiration from the Stone Age, we ventured outside to find natural materials to use as paint. The children experimented with making their own paint and recorded their findings in their sketchbooks. This hands-on activity really helped them connect with how early humans created art.

In science, we investigated reflective surfaces. The children explored how different materials reflect light and discussed how this knowledge is useful in everyday life.

Special Events
We've had a particularly exciting week with some special events:

~ St Anne's visit for some of our class - it was National Chocolate Cake Day so we made Krispie cakes with the residents! Yum!
~ Arts Lab Parkour Theatre Performance – The children greatly enjoyed watching a performance representing neurodiversity and even had the opportunity to try out some Parkour themselves!
~ Scooter Workshop – On Thursday, the children took part in a scooter workshop, showing fantastic enjoyment, resilience, and skill development.
~ Tree Planting for the King – Three members of our class proudly represented us by planting a tree for the King in Victoria Gardens.
~ Reading Assembly – We explored the book 'It's a No Money Day', which provided a valuable opportunity for the children to see into the lives of others through 'windows and mirrors'.

Looking Ahead to Next Week

We have lots to look forward to, including:
~ Art Week – A celebration of creativity and artistic expression.
~ Children's Mental Health Awareness Week – Encouraging positive discussions and activities around mental well-being.
~ NSPCC Number Day (Friday) – A fun and educational event focused on maths.

Thank you for your continued support. We are excited for another fantastic week of learning ahead!

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w/e 24.1.25

It has been another action-packed week for Daymer Class, and we are thrilled to share some of the highlights with you!

The children have fully embraced oracy across the curriculum, using sentence stems confidently and effectively in their spoken language. We are delighted to see this starting to filter into their written work too! Their confidence and effort in this area have been truly impressive, and it’s wonderful to hear them articulating their thoughts so clearly and thoughtfully.

Our interactive times table display in the corridor has been a real hit! The children have been using it regularly to embed key times table facts in a fun and engaging way. On top of this, Year 4 had a fantastic time participating in a nationwide times table competition this week, proudly achieving 3rd place in their group – a brilliant achievement!

In English, the class has been working hard on using speech punctuation correctly in dialogue and exploring different verb tenses, all linked to our WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like) text, Stone Age Boy. This has sparked some fantastic discussions and learning moments.

In RE, we continued our exploration of the Trinity, while in art, the children have been developing their charcoal skills in their sketchbooks, creating some stunning pieces. In PE, the class dance is coming along brilliantly, and this week we added a group element to make it even more dynamic.

Our history lessons took us into the Bronze Age, where the children became archaeologists, investigating artefacts discovered with an ancient archer. It’s been wonderful to see their curiosity and analytical skills in action!

Looking ahead, we are excited about the upcoming week. On Monday, we’ll enjoy an assembly showcasing an art project featuring parkour, and on Thursday, we will have a scooter workshop! If possible, please send your child to school with a scooter and helmet on Thursday.

Finally, please continue to encourage your children to read at home, complete their maths homework, and practise their times tables and spellings. Your support at home makes a huge difference to their learning.

Thank you for another wonderful week, and we look forward to sharing more adventures next time!

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We are passionate about learning.



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