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Seaton   Week Ending 12th July 2024

Posted 15/07/2024
by Joanna Morris

Year 6 have had a busy few weeks. There is always a lot going on at this time of year: the Summer Fayre, Sports Day, transition days to new secondary schools and SATs results to name a few.

Every-one in the Brunel Family is so incredibly proud of how well the children have done in their SATs. The hard work and dedication they have shown over the past 10 months has really paid off. Collectively, they have exceeded the National Average for results across all of the tests. Another huge thank-you goes out to everyone at home for the support and encouragement that has been in abundance throughout Year 6.

Another area of school life that the children have been hard at work on is their final show to mark the end of their time with us. It’s shaping up to be an epic battle of skill and stamina, one you will not want to miss. Make sure you have got your allocated tickets for Wednesday evenings gladiatorial extravaganza! The show begins at 6pm, so don’t be late. 


Pendower   Week Ending 12th July 2024

Posted 15/07/2024
by Joanna Morris

Year 6 have had a busy few weeks. There is always a lot going on at this time of year: the Summer Fayre, Sports Day, transition days to new secondary schools and SATs results to name a few.

Every-one in the Brunel Family is so incredibly proud of how well the children have done in their SATs. The hard work and dedication they have shown over the past 10 months has really paid off. Collectively, they have exceeded the National Average for results across all of the tests. Another huge thank-you goes out to everyone at home for the support and encouragement that has been in abundance throughout Year 6.

Another area of school life that the children have been hard at work on is their final show to mark the end of their time with us. It’s shaping up to be an epic battle of skill and stamina, one you will not want to miss. Make sure you have got your allocated tickets for Wednesday evenings gladiatorial extravaganza! The show begins at 6pm, so don’t be late. 


Mousehole   Reminder

Posted 15/07/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Brunel's Got Talent and Homework

Just a reminder that our class round of Brunel's Got Talent is on Thursday morning this week so any props/costumes needed must be brought in. We are looking forward to seeing what the different individuals and groups have prepared!

Last week, we sent home some time homework sheets. I have said to the children that they need to keep practising time skills at home. They can keep these sheets until they are ready for them and I thought it would be useful for parents to see the level of time knowledge the children need in school for year 3. Time is an ongoing life-skill. That being said, of course we will continue to teach time in school, but it is definitely worthwhile to be constantly referring to time at home too as we can see that this has really helped some children to grasp the trickier concepts this year.

Please now keep the homework books-we have finished with them for this year.

Thank you.


Lantic   Week ending 12.07.24

Posted 12/07/2024
by Helen King

It's Coming Home... 

Well, tractors are definitely coming home!!  We hope you enjoy looking at the children's own designs.  They had to include axel and wheels that move - some moved too well as they played with them and then the wheels dropped off!  But the children all really enjoyed designing and making them.  Today they evaluated their own work, thinking about what worked and what was less successful!

In Science, we set up an experiment to see what seeds actually need to grow... Some seeds have light and water, some just water (no light) and the last set of seeds have not water, but they have lots of sun!  We'll update you next week with our results.


Mousehole   Week Ending 12th July 2024

Posted 12/07/2024
by Joanna Morris

Over the past term, Year 3 have been learning all about living things and their habitats alongside their class topic of the rainforest. We were fortunate to be invited to Saltash Library to complete three workshops put on by the Beach Guardians. This is a charity set up in Cornwall to help raise awareness about plastic pollution, the impact it can have on a range of habitats and wildlife plus the need for us to look after our beautiful coastline.

Mousehole Class thoroughly enjoyed creating posters, sifting nurdles of plastic and discovering the various items that get washed up on our shores. We also learnt about how we can play our part in reducing plastic pollution. 


Whitsand   Homework link - due 19.7.24

Posted 12/07/2024
by Sara Henning



Posted 12/07/2024
by Sara Henning

w/e 12.7.24

We had a lovely time over at St Anne's this week - it was the last session for the year and we paraded over with Archie themselves! We popped in and gave the residents from handmade thank you cards, sang 'Trelawny' and said goodbye for the summer. We're so lucky to have this project and grateful that we get to run it again next year!

This week, we also designed some Fruit Kebabs! We have sent our designs off to Lidl in the hope that they will start marketing and producing one of them in time for the summer! Some of our designs are in the photos below! They look so yummy!


Talland   Week ending 12.07.24

Posted 12/07/2024
by David Parry

We have continued our learning about the Maya civilization and culture. The children worked in small groups to investigate, research and make notes about different aspects of the Maya civilization and how they have influenced our society today: for example, the invention of chocolate; and the playing of team games. They found some amazing facts such as the Maya used hot chocolate as a medicine, albeit, a lot different from the hot chocolate we drink today and  included chilli peppers.

This week has included assessment in reading. All of the children have made good progress and are able to infer (read between the lines) in a piece of text. They enjoyed reading the stories in their reading assessments.

This week has included learning the key vocabulary for converting units of measurement. The children recognise that kilo derives from the Greek language and means a thousand and milli derives from the latin language and means a thousandth. This has helped them to solve simple conversion challenges for grammes and mm, for example. 

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

Where do sharks go on their Summer holidays? Finland.

What's the favourite tree of an English teacher? Poetry. 


Tregantle   Money Money Money!

Posted 11/07/2024
by Katie Grinsted

This week Tregantle Class has been all about money! Our Year 1 children have been getting to grips with identifying coins and notes. There have been lots of interesting activities to practice using money and finding a total by using different coins. Our tuft tray activity has been a big hit with the children. The challenge has been to make different totals of money using as many or as few coins as possible. The EYFS children have made their own 'Tregantle Shop' in the role play area and have been busy stocking up on healthy fruits and vegetables! The children have been using our play money to pay for items and give change.
We have also been wonderful writers this week. Year 1 have written our class version of the story 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' which we re-named 'Mrs Honey's Outing.' There were some great adjectives and verbs including our spelling patterns for adding suffixes - amazing! The EYFS children have used their sounds and tricky word knowledge brilliantly to write about the animals that stole Handa's fruit in our class story 'Handa's Surprise.' What a busy week it has been! 


Whitsand   Homework link - due 12.7.24

Posted 05/07/2024
by Sara Mckillop



Posted 05/07/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 5.7.24

Wow! We do love a busy week here at Brunel!

We have enjoyed Sports Day this week - what a great day it was, too! We raced our socks off, supported each other and had a great time! Well done, everyone!

That afternoon, we continued the fun with our DT lesson - we tasted some fruit of the rainforest and voted for our favourites!

Later in the week, we went to the library for 3 workshops all about saving our oceans - we learned loads!

And finally, on Friday afternoon, we enjoyed our class treat of a sweet shop (we had some fake money even!) and a movie!

What a week!


Lantic   Week ending 5.07.24

Posted 05/07/2024
by Helen King

Fabulous Sports Day!

Luckily, the sun did shine on Tuesday for our Sport Day.  The children all had a great time and loved picnic time afterwards with their parents and friends.  The children in Lantic class were amazing at encouraging and cheering on not only their Houses but also all the children that were racing against one another.  What great sports-ship!

We have been planning our class version of Mr Gumpy's Outing ready to start writing next week.

In Maths, we have just started learning about mass - a paperclip is about 1g (g=grams) so Mrs Stevens thought it best not to work out how many paperclips would be equal to her mass!!  

In R.E. this week, the children learnt the story of Jonah and the Whale.  In the story Jonah found it hard to say “sorry” to God at the start. And sometimes saying sorry can be really hard to do.  The class freeze-framed the story - Can you spot God commanding Jonah to go to Nineveh? Or maybe Jonah praying in the whale's mouth? We loved the frame of God repenting and not punishing the people of Nineveh... Perhaps you could ask your child the retell the story of Jonah using the pictures?


Talland   Week ending 05.07.24

Posted 05/07/2024
by David Parry

Sports' Day was a big event this week. Each child put in his/her best efforts throughout the day. The comradeship, enthusiasm and dedication oozed throughout. Thank you, Talland Class.

The children have been learning how to write a book review. The key points they considered were the actions and characteristics of the main characters, for example: responsibility, friendship, perseverance and bravery. They learned a lot about themselves, too, during the writing of the book review.

The main theme for this week has been the exploration of polygons (many sided 2-D shapes). The children now recognise the criteria for a regular polygon (all sides and angles equal) and an irregular polygon. They had the opportunity to further their protractor and ruler skills by measuring sides to the nearest centimetre and angles to the nearest degree. Well done, Talland Class.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

What is harder to catch the faster you run? 
 Your breath.

Why can't Cinderella play football? She keeps running away from the ball.


Mousehole   Week Ending 04/07.24

Posted 04/07/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

Week Ending 05/07/24

Please follow the link above for maths homework this week. We will send the homework booklet home again when we have covered some shape work in class so that the children can access this.

The children were brilliant in Sports Day this week. Showing a lot of sportsmanship towards their peers made me a very proud teacher!

The children enjoyed tasting different tropical rainforest fruits this week as part of our DT lesson. You can see by their faces how sour some were! They have described the taste and ranked them, as well as learnt about where they have come from in the world. They will use this knowledge to design and create a healthy tropical snack that will entice children to choose a healthy choice.


Tregantle   Super Sports Day!

Posted 02/07/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Sports Day Smiles!

What an incredible sports day we had at the beginning of the week! We started our 'Brunel Olympics' with a parade around the field - we all waved the brilliant flags from all of the countries taking part in the Olympics this year that we made last week. The year 1 children joined up with year 2 to take part in the quoits race - the children carefully balanced a quoit on their head and competed in a relay race. Next it was the EYFS children who did absolutely brilliantly in the sack race. They bounced like kangaroos! Both year groups joined the egg and spoon race which was lots of fun. The sprints were at the end of the event and what fast runners we had! The best thing about all of the events was that all of Tregantle Class took part with great sportsmanship and had smiles on their faces throughout. We finished our sports day with a picnic on the field and a disco. What an incredible day! 



Posted 28/06/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 28.6.24

This week we were visited by the Butterfly Conservation Trust, specifically Victoria. She taught us how to carryout a Bug study on the school grounds. We used umbrellas, sticks, nets and our hands to find the creatures! We found LOADS! Hopefully you can talk about what we found at home!


Tregantle   Flying the flag

Posted 28/06/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Flags of the world!

We have had lots of fun preparing for sports day this week. All of the children are now well practiced in their races and raring to go for our sports day next week! Today we have all enjoyed choosing a flag from one of the countries that are competing in the 2024 Olympics and making our own to wave in the opening ceremony 'pupil parade' on Tuesday. We are really looking forward to welcoming all of our families for sports day and our annual Brunel picnic on Tuesday 2nd July! 


Lantic   Week ending 28.06.24

Posted 28/06/2024
by Helen King

The Sun has Been Shining...

What a lovely week of sun-shine we've had this week!  Gardening Club have had a great week planting vegetables in our little plot - we are still trying to get rid of weeds! We now need to make sure we water them in the sun! 

In Lantic Class this week, we have been learning a new story during our English lessons - Mr. Gumpy's Outing.  We will be using this to inspire our own stories in the next two weeks.

In Math's we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes and have been investigating them.

In our wider curriculum lessons, we have been classifying seeds, using directional language to move around maps, writing prayers for forgiveness - and discussing the importance of forgiveness and continuing to build our tractors!  


Talland   Week ending 28.06.24

Posted 27/06/2024
by David Parry

The children's ability in using different art techniques is amazing. They've practised Batik designs using various patterns, a variety of imaginative colours and wax resist. They applied the wax by using a tjanting tool (see pictures).To complete this term's unit of art study, they have produced an original Batik design based on the Maya cultural traditions. A  lot of thought and imagination has gone into each piece. Thank you, Talland Class.

The children have researched and practised several grammar related activities throughout the week. One of the advanced challenges was to use passive voice. Passive voice requires the writer to reorder an active sentence, for example:

James kicked the ball. (Active sentence.)

The ball was kicked by James. (Passive sentence.)

Using this strategy is a challenge, however, enhances the children's written work. A huge effort put in to this by all of the children.

There's been a lot of fun, together with serious learning, using protractors to measure and draw angles. This can be a complicated activity unless a child is focused and recognises the techniques used to be successful. They are now confident in finding acute and obtuse angles and many relate to the idea that there are 360 degrees around a point. Well done, Talland Class.

best wishes, Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands) 

This week's jokes:

What did the triangle say to the circle?
- You're pointless!

What is a swimmer's favourite part of maths? - Dive - vision!


Seaton   Week Commencing 14th June 2024

Posted 26/06/2024
by Joanna Morris

Year 6 have been enjoying their Maya based topic by completing a range of activities. We’ve been finding out about the various religious practises of this ancient civilisation and how they believe in 9 levels of the under world and 13 layers of heaven.

In DT, we’ve been busy creating beautiful Maya masks using the technique of batik. This involves drawing with hot, melted wax before painting in the unwaxed fabric with ink. The results are stunning, and we are so pleased with how they turned out. 


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