Class Blog for Lantic

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Week ending 26.01.24 

A Snowy Day

This week, we have been experimenting at making snow (a bit of a disaster!) and ice crystals in Science.

We have been learning more about Robert Falcon Scott and his ill-fated expedition to the South Pole...

In Math's, the children have been busy learning different ways of making equal groups...


Week ending 19.01.24 

Science - We were investigating the quickest way to melt ice.  We discovered that the heat from our hands melted the ice the quickest, leaving am ice cube outside slowed the melting the most.  Water was another good way to melt ice, however sugar and salt didn't do too much! 

Hot Chocolate Time!

We loved making a hot chocolate drink on Monday!  Just in time for us to all start writing instructions on how the make the most delicious hot chocolate on Tuesday...
We were trying to include adverbs of time and manner AND imperative 'bossy' verbs.  We all remembered to include a 'You will need' list. 


Week ending 12.01.24 

For our topic this term 'What do we know about snow and ice?' we learnt about what an explorer is and what are some of the things they might need when they go on an expedition.  The class came up with items like compasses, maps, water bottles, different clothing - depending on where in the world they were going.  In science, we also looked at different clothing to suit the different seasons. During our art lesson, we mixed and painted shades of blue.

Attached is our topic overview for you to have a look at what we are learning this term.

A cup of tea solves everything!

This week the children have been following a set instructions all about making the perfect cup of tea!  They have been sequencing at set of instructions, using imperative verbs (they are really good at being bossy!) and adverbs of time and manner.

In computing, the children have been learning (again!) to give instructions.  They were robots and their partners had to give them clear instructions to follow.  

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Week ending 05.01.24 

Welcome Back to Lantic Class!

What a wonderful couple of days to ease us all back into the school routine.  The early wake ups are a bit of a shock to us all!

I hope that you all had a relaxing break and the children are re-energised, ready to take on this exciting learning! 

We have dived straight into our new Maths unit on Money so perhaps when you are shopping (if using cash!) you could involve the children in handling the coins and notes?  In English, we are starting to look at instructions - maybe you could look at some recipes online or in books; or build a model following a set of instructions?


Week ending 15.12.23 

Merry Christmas From Lantic Class!

We are so nearly there... Just a few more days and then hopefully we're all on the nice list and we might be lucky to have a gift or two under the tree! 

We have been very busy this week amongst other this making Christingle's. 

Each part of the Christingle represents something different: Orange - represents the world; Red ribbon - represents God's love; Sweets/dried fruit - represent all of God's creations; Candle - represents the light and hope of Jesus. 

It is used in the Christian faith as a symbol of light and hope.

Christmas lunch was amazing, Jane and the Brunel Kitchen Team did a wonderful job and we all enjoyed our delicious treat!

We also wore our Christmas jumpers so we feeling really festive on Wednesday.

Such a great week, with shows, crafts and food!  Oh and writing great stories based on the Aladdin story and completing our math's unit! Well done!

Thank you for all your support by coming to watch our shows and providing jumpers, etc.!  And for just being really supportive of the whole class this term, it is really appreciated.

Wishing a very merry Christmas to you all...

Love Mrs Stevens and Miss Sleep (and Lantic Class!)
            xx                                xx                    xx


Week ending 8.12.23 

What a wonderful (busy!) week...

Today in Lantic Class, we visited the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Nicolas and St Faith Church.  The children all loved looking at the variety of trees from various shops, business and groups from around the Saltash area, they especially loved the Brunel tree (we may be a little bias!).  This was a fantastic end to a great week - we have been busy rehearsing for our Christmas show (you can come and see us on Monday afternoon at 2pm or Tuesday morning at 9.30am) which has really improved as time has gone on.  We even showed it to the whole school as our dress rehearsal on Friday afternoon.

We have finally finished writing our class version of the Aladdin story and we have started to plan our own versions of the story, ready to start writing up next week.  During Maths we have been working more on addition and subtraction - we are getting so good now!

Oh and we had 'Hunt the Issy' on Tuesday evening - we hope you liked all our decorations including Diya lamps, Christmas tree decorations, paper chains and cards!


Week ending 1.12.23 

We've been getting very busy...

Some would say we've been getting in a tizzy, but that's because we've been having lots of fun in Lantic Class this week!

We have been learning to sew today (still a work in progress!) and we have been rehearsing our Christmas show (LOTS!!) so we really hope that you enjoy coming to see it in a couple of weeks.


Week ending 17.11.23 

What an exciting week in Lantic Class!

We started the week with an exciting Math's investigation called Terrific Triangles.  We had great fun trying to make a big triangle out of smaller triangles.

We have been enjoying finding different word classes in the Aladdin story during our English lessons.  We started off looking for nouns, then adjectives and finally verbs!  Next week we'll be looking for adverbs.

On Thursday, the Royal Institution came and visited our school, we watched an interesting (an noisy!) workshop on 'Super Cells', we learnt about viruses and bacteria and how vaccines have been developed to help us stay healthy and not get ill.    


Week ending 10.11.23 

We will remember them...

This week we have been writing WW1 poetry, imagining ourselves as soldiers in the trenches.  We have also in History been learning about how animals helped during WW1, we were surprised to discover that even elephants helped move heavy machinery around!

Today, we created artwork based on the poppy fields that we learnt grew after the war ended.  Some of our poems will eventually flutter over the fields where the Battle of the Somme happened, after being released from a WW1 plane!



KIRFs: Autumn 2 

New KIRFs for a new Half Term…

KIRFs are Key Instant Recall Facts that students in each year group learn so that they can answer them as speedily as possible. Knowing these core facts to automaticity boosts both confidence and attainment in maths lessons and 99 club. Check out the document below which details the KIRFs for each year group (Nursery to Year 6), as well as a range of exciting suggestions of learning methods and activities.

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