Class Blog for Lantic

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Week ending 3.11.2023 

Testing Our Knowledge!

This week in Lantic Class we have been busy learning about number bonds to 10.  We used our knowledge of number bonds to try to solve problems... it was quite a challenge!!

During English, we have been writing poetry.  This week we have written poems about fireworks using onomatopoeia - perhaps you could ask your child what type of words they are?

In History, we have been finding out about the First World War.  We know that it started after Franz Ferdinand was killed.  We have been learning about what life was like for the troops on the front line living in the trenches.


Week ending 20.10.23 

Signs of Autumn

Lantic Class have been busy looking for signs of autumn in Science this week.  We walked around our local area and collected conkers, seed cases and leaves.  We used what we found to create some pieces of art.

In English we have been imagining we were Mrs. Armitage, where we wrote a diary entry about her day with Breakspear.

During our History lesson, we learnt about the bravery of Grace Darling during her rescue of 9 lives with her father.   We role played the events as they happened and then wrote about how we felt (as Grace Darling).  We thought she was really courageous.  


Week ending 13.10.23 

This week the children have had a great time in their swimming lessons at the Saltash Leisure Centre.

They have learnt how to call for help as well as how to move along in the water.

And today they had a fun session going on the slides and playing with the toys in the pool.


Week ending 6.10.23 

This week in Lantic Class...

In Science lessons this week, we have been classifying different animals, we classified as mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibian and birds first. Then we tried coming up with our own classifications such as no legs, feathers, 4 legs etc. We had some great discussions about how we could classify and could some animals fit into different categories.

We have started writing in English, our own version of the Mrs Armitage story - ours is called 'Mrs Armitage and the Huge Snow Storm'.  We enjoyed coming up with different items she might collect along the way, especially deciding to celebrate saving 'Jenny' from falling off the side of the mountain with a scrumptious hot chocolate - with whipped cream and marshmallows!! 

During history, we looked at various Victorian objects and discussed how life might have been very different to today. We discussed that Grace Darling might be well off as her clothes were nice. We thought that she lived a long time ago as her clothes were very different to ours and she wore a bonnet – only babies wear bonnets nowadays! We thought she might be brave as she was rowing a wooden boat in stormy seas.


Week ending 29th September 2023 

Woo hoo!  What an amazing week in Year 2!

On Wednesday we went to Smeaton's Tower on Plymouth Hoe with the children in Year 1 and EYFS.  It was cloudy as Storm Agnes was just starting!  We were very excited about climbing up the Tower (and back down!).  We were really impressed with the curved furniture in the lighthouse.

On Thursday evening the Brunel Friends held a disco, it was great fun (Mrs Stevens is still recovering from dancing away!)... we loved dancing, having a drink and having some sweets!

During the Science lessons, we used our sense of smell to distinguish between different smells.  We found that crushed black pepper was particularly pungent! Oranges also had a strong smell... surprisingly, chocolate didn't have a strong smell.

This weekend we all need a good rest, ready for next week's learning - especially Mrs Stevens!


Week ending 22nd September 

What a busy week in Lantic Class...

We have been learning the story of Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave during our English lessons - perhaps you could ask your child to retell you the story?  We have acted out the story and sequenced pictures from the story.

In Math's, we have been learning about the place value of numbers by counting in 10s and recognising 10s and 1s.

During Science this week, used our sense of taste to discover what flavours we could taste - we really enjoyed most of the different things we tried - we we're very keen on the Jellybeans!  Then we held our nose to taste different things - we realised that our sense of smell helps with taste too!

Finally, today we followed a tutorial explaining how to draw a lighthouse... we will use this knowledge when we go on our trip to Smeaton's Tower next week!


Week Ending 8th September 

Welcome to Lantic Class!

What a wonderful week (4 days!) we've had.

The children have been so well behaved and have all worked so hard.  We have been working especially hard on handwriting and sticking work in our books (the right way!).

The children discussed and came up with questions they wanted to answer about our theme 'What can sparkle and shine?' and they also told everyone what they already knew.  In Science, they discussed what they already knew about animals including humans.  So we are all ready to dive into our wider curriculum work next week!

Have a restful weekend, ready for PE on Monday.

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