Class Blog for Lantic

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Week ending 3.05.24 

Another week in Lantic Class

In Maths, we have been learning some more about fractions - finding a third, the whole and about unit and non-unit fractions... We finally finished our own stories in the style of Christopher Nibble - we are really pleased with our stories and shared them with our learning partners. 

Lantic Class have also been busy scientists this week. The  children have been learning about the parts of a plant. We had some very successful labelled diagrams of violas and busy lizzies and we have learnt how to identify some flowers like poppies, pansies and buttercups.

Next week's blog will include some photos from our Porfell Trip.


Week ending 26.04.24 

We are growing...

We learnt some more about plants.  We looked at the stages of growth and then we acted out the parts.  Can you spot the different parts of plants growth?

In English, we wrote out class version of the 'Christopher Nibble' story - ours was called 'Rosie Nibble'.  Perhaps you could ask your child about the story they wrote.

Music to our ears...

This week in music, Mrs Butlin taught the class how to write musical notes - Quavers and Crotchets (quick and slow notes).

DT - We have been investigating how wheels and axels work before we design our tractors...


Week ending 19/04/24 - Welcome Back 

Welcome Back Everyone!

We hope you all had a well deserved break and hopefully didn't eat too much chocolate! 

We have a busy term ahead - see our attached rainbow sheet for some of the things we shall be learning over the coming months.  In a couple of weeks we have our trip to Porfell Wildlife Park which we are all looking forward to.

We have just started to find out all about Farms (our topic for the term) in our geography lesson this week.  We have also started to learn how to play the drums, though we haven't started using actual drums this week.  In Science we were observing fruits and vegetables and we carefully drew the outsides and insides - we even had a taste of the pomegranate - it was delicious!!! 

RNLI Visit Friday 19th April

The volunteers shared their four fundamental water safety messages, which are:
-Stop & Think

- Stay Together

- Float

- Call 999 or 112

We learnt how to spot a wide range of dangers, plan for a day out and identify an emergency situation – as well as understanding the effect cold water has on your body.

Alternative Sports Day

The children in Lantic class loved learning about the skills involved with Archery, Dartmoor 3 Ball game and an Island Attack game...  and the sun was glorious!! 

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Week ending 28.04.24  

Happy Easter Everyone!

We made it!  For such a short term, it seemed to last forever...

But now is the time to relax with your loved ones (and try not to eat too much chocolate!).  The children have earnt a well deserved break... see you all on the 15th April.

More signs of Spring.

Our Runner Beans have grown so much in the last few weeks, they are now
ready to go home with the children so that they can plant then on. 

Hopefully, they'll produce lots of lovely, tasty beans to eat!

Polar Bears on Patrol

We finished our polar bears this week.  We spent the last few weeks
creating these amazing sculptures out of Modroc and finally we painted
on the finishing touches... We think they look fantastic, you will be able
to have a look at them and some more of our work which will be on
display in the Reception lobby after the break.


Week ending 22.03.24 

Will the rain stop soon...?

Hopefully not! Next week we need some rain for our Science lesson but then we've probably had enough (just in time for our Easter Break...)

This week we have finally finished our version of the 'Poles Apart' story - we really enjoyed coming up with new places to visit and animals to meet.  This week also saw the official start of Spring so in Science we took a walk around the grounds to look for any signs of spring - maybe you could go out and about this weekend and find some for yourselves?

We also painted out Polar Bear sculptures - they are beginning to look grrrreatttt!  And we learnt about the Easter Story and why it's an important time for Christians - just in time for the holidays.  Our Maths lessons have moved on to Length and Height, so we've been starting to measure things using cm's and m's. I wonder who is the tallest in the class... maybe we can measure our height to find out!? In History we used primary sources of evidence to ask questions about the Titanic and the experiences that her passengers had on that fateful voyage...


Week ending 15.03.24 

Science Week Goes On...

We had a great start to Science Week on Monday
when we went to Saltash Library for a Science Workshop -
we really enjoyed using the microscope to look really
closely at different rocks.  We loved maneuvering the
different robots around the workshop space, it was great fun!


In our Science lesson we continued to think about climate change and what we can do to help reduce it.  So we planted some beans (in bags!) to help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

As part of Science Week, the children also took part in an online workshop from the National Farmers Union.  In this session they learnt about all the different jobs that farmers do over the course of a day.  They learnt about what they need to do to look after new born lambs and calves, how they feed them and grow food to feed them too. At the end they learnt that the farmers are just planting pumpkin seeds now ready for Halloween! 

Some of the different things that the children said they learnt were that pumpkins come from the flower of the plant; that they gave calves powdered milk formula; that they grow their own food and that they start growing pumpkins now (they didn't know that they took so long to grow!!).

Finally, we ended the week feeling a little bit funny... for Comic Relief! 

The children told some really side-splitting jokes with their friends and the best joke (hard to pick one!) was told to the whole school during our Achievers Assembly.

Can you think of any more jokes to tell your friends?


Week ending 8th March 2024 

World Book Day and the Start of Science Week!

The children all enjoyed dressing in their favourite characters on Thursday for World Book Day!  We had lots of fun listening to different adults around school reading stories to us and then we went on a character hunt!  We also enjoyed an online author visit with Helen Stephens, who wrote and illustrated the book 'How to Hide a Lion!' We even had a sneaky preview of her next book 'Smelly Peggy' and she showed us how to draw Peggy - she's a dog!

I wonder what books you will choose to buy with your book vouchers...

Science week kicked off on Friday 8th with an online lesson all about insects. Along with Tregantle class, we really enjoyed learning about insects - we learnt what makes an insect, an insect and that millipedes shed their skin and eat it! Yuck!

In our science lesson, we carried on learning about weather and climate and looked at how climate change can occur and how it could affect us, using an experiment with play-doh and ice cubes! We decided that global warming, one of the effects of climate change, is not good as we might have less land to grow food on and some peoples homes could disappear into the sea. 


Week ending 23.02.24 

A busy week.

We have all been very busy in Lantic Class this week.  We have been making equal groups by sharing in our maths lessons.

In Science we learnt about the weather and climate and then we made rain clouds and tornados in jam jars! AMAZING!!

In Art this week, we have started learning about sculptures and made our own very simple sculptures of a bird.  


Week ending 10.02.24 

The children have been learning all about keeping safe on the internet - perhaps you could ask your child how can they stay safe?

We have also finished our fact files about Robert Falcon Scott - we are very proud of our finished pieces of writing.

During our Science lesson, we learnt how animals adapt to winter conditions.


Week ending 2.02.24 

We have enjoyed celebrating the NSPCC national number day at the end of the week.

The children completed the Buddy's Challenge, which they all loved!!  What amazing mathematicians we have!

As part of our science unit, 'changing seasons,' we managed to make a cloud in a glass. The children learnt about how clouds are formed and we used this knowledge when they used ice and hot water to make their clouds.  We had a few goes before we were finally able to create a cloud - we were all 'Keep Trying Kangaroos'!!

In English, we started to write are own fact files about Robert Falcon Scott using the information that we have learnt in our history lessons.


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