Class Blog for Tregantle

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KIRFs: Autumn 2 

New KIRFs for a new Half Term…

KIRFs are Key Instant Recall Facts that students in each year group learn so that they can answer them as speedily as possible. Knowing these core facts to automaticity boosts both confidence and attainment in maths lessons and 99 club. Check out the document below which details the KIRFs for each year group (Nursery to Year 6), as well as a range of exciting suggestions of learning methods and activities.

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Fun and Fireworks 

Fun and Fireworks

What a busy week we have had! in Early Years we have been finding one more and one less in our maths lessons. The children had great fun during a lesson about counting bubbles. We blew as many bubbles as we could and then popped one to find one less. In Year 1 the children have been working on number bonds to 10. They have worked hard all week showing their number bond knowledge in lots of different ways.
EYFS have been flying with their phonics this week! We have reached the end of our set 1 sounds which is incredible. We will now practice all of the sounds we know and focus on blending. The Year 1 children have written some amazing firework poems this week. They used onomatopoeia to create some noisy descriptive poems which they wrote very neatly in their books. 
We finished off the week with an EYFS trip to Saltash Library. The children each chose a new book to take home for the week - we love reading at Brunel! Year 1 got creative with some new art techniques to make some bright, colourful and sparkling firework pictures. 


Autumn fun 

Learning with nature

Tregantle Class have embraced the windy weather this week and used our wonderful outside grounds to explore the signs of autumn.  We found lots of colourful crunchy leaves, pine cones, acorns and even a few conkers. Back in the classroom the children explored different ways to create art work with their collections. We had some lovely paint prints, chalk rubbings and picture frame master pieces. 
The EYFS children have been working really hard on ordering their numbers to 5 this week. We have been singing lots of songs and rhymes to help us remember how to do it. 
Our learning on Grace Darling has continued. This week we have found out all about the night Grace saved 9 peoples' lives at sea by rowing out on her row boat to rescue them. What a brave person she was! 


Lots of Learning! 

Another busy week has flown by in Tregantle Class! We were so inspired by our trip to the library last week to watch 'How to catch a Book Witch' that our EYFS children decided to make their own book monsters in our creative area. They used brilliant folding, cutting and joining skills to create them and our book corner is now looking very inviting with all the book monsters there!
Our Year 1 children have been really engaged in their wider curriculum this week. They have been investigating what happens in the four seasons in science and beginning to learn about Grace darling in History. They have impressed us all with their brilliant ideas for their own Mrs Armitage stories. Ideas have included, 'Mrs Armitage at the Disco' and 'Mrs Armitage's Fishing Trip.' Great writing Tregantle Class! 


A Busy Week! 

Science, history and fun at the library

What a busy week we've had! Our Year 1 children have been thinking like a scientist to classify animals into different groups. They enjoyed bringing in a toy animal from home and working out if it was a mammal, bird, fish, reptile or amphibian. The children were amazed to find out that human beings are mammals too! 
In History the jellyfish (Year 1 children) have been asking some interesting questions to find out the past. It was great fun to explore our 'mini museum' where we looked at objects from the past. This is the beginning of our learning about Grace Darling and the amazing work she did saving lives at sea.
Our EYFS children have been busy practicing writing their names by themselves this week and forming each letter correctly.
We ended the week on a high with a visit to Saltash Library to celebrate National Library Week. Along with Lantic Class we watched the show 'How to catch a Book Witch' which delighted the children and adults alike! 


Smeaton's Tower Trip 

Smeaton's tower trip

On Wednesday Tregantle Class along with Lantic Class went on a trip to Plymouth to visit Smeaton's Tower. This really helped with our learning about how lighthouses work as part of our 'What can Sparkle and Shine' topic. We were all amazed how how tall the lighthouse was and how long it took to get to the top. The spiral staircase was very narrow and we had to squeeze through the ladders to get to each new level. The views out to sea were absolutely incredible. The children all made it up to the top and all the way back again. What a great day! 



A Wonderful Week!

Tregantle Class are well and truly back into the swing of school! The children are settled into routines and well underway with their learning journeys. Our starfish (EYFS children) have been working really hard to count objects accurately to 5. They are learning to line the objects up and point to each one as they say the number. The last number they say is the total amount. They have also been busy counting larger objects around the classroom and school.
Our Jellyfish (Year 1 children) have been very engaged with their learning about lighthouses. They have drawn some amazing lighthouse pictures using a range of different sketching pencils. They were careful to include lots of detail and shading to add to the effect. 
We have all had great fun learning our class text, "Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave." The children have been practicing re-telling the story using the story map and actions that they created. Keep up the hard work Tregantle! 



Our EYFS children have had their first visit to Saltash library this week! They were very sensible walking there in pairs and really enjoyed exploring the children's section of the library. They each chose a book to take home with them - there was much excitement using the electronic scanner to scan their chosen book!
Our Year 1 children have had lots of fun in their P.E lesson this week. They joined up with the Year 2 children to play some agility games and develop their throwing and catching skills.
Tregantle Class have been so enthusiastic when learning about lighthouses. We are getting really excited for our trip to Smeaton's tower in Plymouth in a couple of weeks! 


Terrific Tregantle!  

What a great first week we've had in Tregantle class! The Year 1 children have come back to school beautifully. They have really risen to the challenge of being Key Stage 1 children and have been enthusiastic in their new Year 1 classroom just like 'have a go horse!.'  We have named the Year 1 children 'jellyfish' and they have been working so hard in their maths, English and theme lessons. The jellyfish have also done an incredible job in welcoming our new EYFS children who we have named the 'starfish.' We have all been so impressed with how well the starfish have settled into their first few days at school. They all look so smart in their new school uniforms and have really grown in confidence over the week. All of the children have been enjoying the lovely sunny weather and spending time in our wonderful outside learning environment. 
We are very much looking forward to continuing our learning next week! 


Welcome to Tregantle 

Welcome to Tregantle Class! It was lovely to see lots of familiar faces today. We are looking forward to welcoming the whole class by the end of the week. Please see attached the curriculum overview for year 1 this term, As well as the booklet explaining procedures in Year 1.

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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Brunel is an Ofsted graded 'GOOD' school with 'OUTSTANDING' Personal Development and Early Years Provision - click here to see the full report

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