Class Blog for Tregantle

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Another busy week! 

Year 1
As part of our theme 'What do we know about Ice and Snow?' in science, year 1 made snow and ice by mixing Epsom Salts with hot water. The solution was then put in the fridge for a few hours while the ice crystals formed. We were all amazed with the results! In ICT, we have been creating art using famous artists as inspiration. The children have used the tools for shapes, lines, colours and size to create pictures in the style of various artists. In English the children have been using a text map to learn a fact file about the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. This has been a great link with our history learning about explorers. In maths, year 1 children have been working hard on this half term's KIRF 'to know all the number bonds to 20.'
Our EYFS children are getting to grips with numbers 6, 7 and 8. They have been having fun matching the numerals to various representations of each number. They are continuing to develop their writing skills and have really enjoyed role playing schools as you can see from the picture! We have loved reading the story 'Aliens Love Underpants' and learning lots of new vocabulary from it. 


Wintery weather 

The great outdoors!

Tregantle class have really embraced the cold winter weather this week and enjoyed exploring the signs of winter outside. The children were delighted to experiment with the frost and ice that had formed overnight in our garden. We were all able to make marks and letters in the frost and we even found some large sheets of ice to experiment with. The Year 1 children meanwhile have been investigating, 'What makes ice melt quickly or slowly?'  They decided upon some different things to test and found out that heat makes ice melt more quickly and cold makes it melt more slowly. 

The EYFS children have been measuring in maths this week. They were given the task of following some instructions to make a magic potion! Our Year 1 children have been continuing their learning about place value to 20 and have really got to grips with using a number line.

We have had some wonderful writers this week. We started the week by each making a delicious hot chocolate and then used this experience to write clear instructions for how to make it. 

Our history session was really interesting as we have begun our learning on the explorer Robert Scott. The children looked at a timeline of his life and thought about what his life would have been like. 


Wonderful Reading Shed! 

Tregantle's New Book Swap Shed!

We have a new book shed in Tregantle which we are using for book swapping. Children and parents can bring in their old books and swap them for something new to read. What a great way to read new books!

The children of Tregantle have really enjoyed exploring their new book swap shed. There has been lots of interest in the books that are inside and it is a wonderful opportunity for children to share new books with their families with out spending a single penny!

It has been a busy week as always! In English the Year 1 children are learning all about instructions. They have found out about imperative verbs and adverbs of time. In EYFS the children have been reading 'The Gruffalo's Child.' They have made some excellent 'wanted' posters to help find the big bad mouse!

In maths we have been getting to grips with representing, ordering and comparing numbers 11 - 20 in Year 1 and sharing objects and learning all about the number zero in EYFS.

We have all enjoyed getting stuck into our new theme, 'What do we know about ice and snow?' We have identified suitable clothing for very cold weather and explored the features of winter. In art the children have been mixing blue paint with black and white to make a variety of different shades of blue. 

We are looking forward to another action packed week next week! 


Welcome back! 

Happy New Year!

It has been wonderful to welcome the children of Tregantle Class back to school for 2024! Even though it's been a very short week we have got stuck in to our new topic 'What do we know about ice and snow?'  The children have used globes to locate the coldest parts of our planet and have begun their learning about animals living in Antarctica. The year 1 children have been exploring the colour blue in their art lesson and finding various different shades of blue to create a mood board. Please see attached the curriculum overview for Year 1 for this half term. 

 Image Gallery



It's A Baby! 

What an amazing way to end the autumn term with our fantastically festive performance of 'It's a Baby!' The children from Tregantle and Lantic Classes Worked incredibly hard to learn their lines, the words to the songs and perform to a huge audience. What a show it was! The children were absolute stars - they wore their costumes with pride, sang beautifully and spoke clearly to retell the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

We would like to wish all our families and friends of the Brunel community a very 'Merry Christmas!' We hope you enjoy the Christmas break and we look forward to welcoming children back to school in January. We are very excited about our new topic for the spring term, 'What do we know about Ice and Snow?' More information to follow! Merry Christmas!



Oh Christmas Tree! 

Saltash Christmas Tree Festival

What a fun filled week full of Christmas activities we've had!
We all had a very festive evening on Tuesday when we held our annual 'Hunt The Izzy' event. Children and their families enjoyed searching the school for the hidden Izzy's whilst sampling the delights from the Christmas fair.
In Tregantle we have bee busy practicing our Christmas production of 'It's a Baby.' The costumes are looking fantastic and the singing is raising the roof! We are very excited to be performing our show to parents next week!
We ended our week with a visit to St Nicholas and Faith church to see the Christmas tree festival. The children took part in a festive treasure hunt, finding the decorations in the pictures. We all loved the Brunel tree! 


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! 

Christmas is coming!

Christmas has arrived at Brunel! The children had an exciting surprise this morning when they arrived at school to see their classroom transformed into a winter wonderland! Our preparations for our Christmas production of 'It's A Baby' are coming on nicely and we enjoyed taking part in lots of Christmas crafts this week ready for our 'Hunt the Izzy' event next week. 

Tregantle Class joined the rest of the school on Wednesday to take part in a tree planting event. We planted a selection of native trees and shrubs to develop our beautiful outside areas.

We were lucky to have some Year 6 reading ambassadors join us this week for story time. The children in Tregantle class chose which story they would like to listen to and enjoyed listening to the older children reading. 


Amazing Aladdin! 

Wonderful Writing (oh yes it is!)

We were wowed this week by the M+M Theatre Company who visited us to perform their pantomime 'Aladdin.' The children were  thrilled with the costumes, dancing and set. The show was clearly a huge inspiration to Tregantle Class as they have written the Aladdin story absolutely brilliantly! The year 1 children have written in sentences and their stories have a clear beginning, middle and end. We are so proud of their focus this week!

In maths the EYFS children have achieved their KIRF (Key Instant Recall facts) of writing numbers 1-5 independently. This is a wonderful achievement that we celebrated today.

We  finished off the week creatively by making Diva lamps using air drying clay and glitter. Diva lamps are used in the Hindu celebration Diwali to welcome home their Gods Rama and Sita. Our Diwali lamps will be on display along with many of our other creations during 'hunt the Izzy' night in a few weeks time. 


Spectacular Science! 

Royal Institute

What an exciting week we've had! On Thursday we welcomed the Royal Institute to school for the day. Tregantle class had an amazing time watching the show all about cells. We learnt about how cells work in our bodies and how to protect ourselves from germs. Mrs Grinsted even got to dress up in protective clothing to be splatted with a pretend sneeze!

Our EYFS children have been learning lots about squares and rectangles this week. That have found things that are the same and different about them and used them to make some wonderful pictures. The Year 1 children have started to find a missing part by taking away. 

In our English lessons we have all enjoyed learning the story Aladdin with our new story map. We are looking forward to seeing the story come to life next week when the M + M theatre company come to perform the show at school! 



Cinema trip, Remembrance and so much more!

Another fun filled week in Tragantle class.
In reception we have been finding different ways to make 5, using lots of manipulatives. 
In year one we have been finding ways to solve addition problems.
Reception have been working on the story, Supertato, learning new words and finding out about different characters.
In year one we have been writing poems about the war. Using onomatopoeia and adjectives to describe what it must have been like for the soldiers.
On Wednesday we all went to the cinema to watch Paw Patrol - what a treat!
Today we had a special assembly to commemorate Remembrance day. The children then created pieces of art with poppies as the theme - aren't they wonderful!


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