Class Blog for Lantic

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Week ending 12.07.24 

It's Coming Home... 

Well, tractors are definitely coming home!!  We hope you enjoy looking at the children's own designs.  They had to include axel and wheels that move - some moved too well as they played with them and then the wheels dropped off!  But the children all really enjoyed designing and making them.  Today they evaluated their own work, thinking about what worked and what was less successful!

In Science, we set up an experiment to see what seeds actually need to grow... Some seeds have light and water, some just water (no light) and the last set of seeds have not water, but they have lots of sun!  We'll update you next week with our results.


Week ending 5.07.24 

Fabulous Sports Day!

Luckily, the sun did shine on Tuesday for our Sport Day.  The children all had a great time and loved picnic time afterwards with their parents and friends.  The children in Lantic class were amazing at encouraging and cheering on not only their Houses but also all the children that were racing against one another.  What great sports-ship!

We have been planning our class version of Mr Gumpy's Outing ready to start writing next week.

In Maths, we have just started learning about mass - a paperclip is about 1g (g=grams) so Mrs Stevens thought it best not to work out how many paperclips would be equal to her mass!!  

In R.E. this week, the children learnt the story of Jonah and the Whale.  In the story Jonah found it hard to say “sorry” to God at the start. And sometimes saying sorry can be really hard to do.  The class freeze-framed the story - Can you spot God commanding Jonah to go to Nineveh? Or maybe Jonah praying in the whale's mouth? We loved the frame of God repenting and not punishing the people of Nineveh... Perhaps you could ask your child the retell the story of Jonah using the pictures?


Week ending 28.06.24 

The Sun has Been Shining...

What a lovely week of sun-shine we've had this week!  Gardening Club have had a great week planting vegetables in our little plot - we are still trying to get rid of weeds! We now need to make sure we water them in the sun! 

In Lantic Class this week, we have been learning a new story during our English lessons - Mr. Gumpy's Outing.  We will be using this to inspire our own stories in the next two weeks.

In Math's we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes and have been investigating them.

In our wider curriculum lessons, we have been classifying seeds, using directional language to move around maps, writing prayers for forgiveness - and discussing the importance of forgiveness and continuing to build our tractors!  


Week ending 21.06.24 

A wonderful week...

This week in Lantic class we have been finishing and writing our own poems - we even practised our handwriting by writing them out on special paper!  We also enjoyed our drumming lesson - we also do lots of singing during drums. In maths we have been learning some more about lines of symmetry - we have been using mirror lines to draw matching halves.  During Science we learnt and wrote about the lifecycle of a sunflower, we thought it was sad when it wilts, but what a blessing it is to have all those seeds after!


Week ending 14.06.24 

Art Week

The children in Lantic class have been busy artists all this week... They have been making observational drawings of flowers, then drawing various farm animals!  They really are getting much better at REALLY looking at objects and pictures before drawing what they can see.

We have of course also been writing a class poem based on '10 Thing in a Wizard's Pocket' about a farmer's pocket - you wouldn't believe what they carry!!  And of course Maths, where we started looking at lines of symmetry...


Week ending 7.6.24 

What a start to the last bit of the summer term...

Year 2 Math's SATs are done!  Well done to all the children in Lantic class, you have been amazing!!

In English, we learnt the poem 'Ten Things in a Wizards Pocket' - we had great fund with actions to go with the poem - photo is showing the action to 'A dark night...'

On Wednesday we have had a session on self-esteem with Lyndsey from the NHS Mental Health Support Team - the children really enjoyed talking and writing about why and how they are great!

The children this week also learnt about the D-Day landings and why they were so significant to helping towards the end of the Second World War - perhaps you will commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the event over the weekend?


Week ending 24.05.24 

Relax the Rules in Lantic!!!

What a fun end to a very busy half term!

We all enjoyed taking part in the BFA 'relax the rules day' at the end of the week. There were some wonderful outfits and accessories and funny back to front lessons! Some children even ate their pudding first at lunch time!

We have been very busy bees this week investigating what makes leaves fall off of trees!  Some children from Y1 and Y2 also went on an exciting able writer's day at Bishop Cornish School.  We have been creating promise/friendship cards in R.E. as we finish off learning about how we belong - you can look forward to those coming home after half-term.  In music, we finally got to start learning how to play the African drums...

We wonder what exciting things we will be learning next half-term... have a lovely, restful break and see you soon!


Week ending 17.05.24 

Whilst the sun shines...

This week Lantic class have been learning how to jump in our PE lessons - jumping high and jumping a distance.  We were really good at jumping from 1 foot to 2 feet.

During science, we focused on trees this week and went on a leaf hunt, we then drew and labelled our leaves back in the classroom and looked at how we could classify them into different groups.

We've also been very busy with our Year 2 Reading SATs - the children coped really well and took them in their stride!  The should be proud of their efforts.

In RE, the class learnt to to understand what it means to belong to the Jewish community, they drew a Jewish family having their Shabbat meal and then wrote what the family do on Shabbat.  Perhaps you could ask your child what they learnt?

Over this week we have been learning to tell the time... we have really been working really hard on quarter past and quarter to the hour!!  We have also had a go at building tractors from various construction toys.  

As the sun was shining, we started to weed our patio area... it's looking good already!! 

On Friday, we were very lucky to have a Cricket Chris come in to explain and show the children how to play rapid cricket - we had great fun!  Locally, the children can play All Stars Cricket (5-8yrs) at  St. Stephens Cricket Club - Fri 10th May - Fri 28th Jun 2024 17:30 - 18:30. All Stars Cricket provides boys and girls from 5-8 years old with non-stop fun. The activity and game based programme is suitable for all skill levels, providing your child with the foundations to begin a lifelong love of physical activity and cricket, while making friends in a safe and enjoyable environment.


KIRFs: Summer 1 

Introducing the KIRFs Café...

What are KIRFs?

KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) are pieces of mathematical knowledge that we want the children to learn off-by-heart or be able to work out very quickly (within 3 seconds).

They are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin mathematics. They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.  They will include facts such as number bonds, counting on, back, times tables, equivalence of units of measure, and square numbers.

Each year group is allocated key facts to focus on throughout the year, in line with age related expectations. These should be practised for rapid recall.

Check out the website and class blogs for the newest KIRFs each Half Term.

We look forward to welcoming you to the KIRFs Cafe on Wednesday 17
th April at 3.10pm in Finnygook.

 Image Gallery



week ending 10.05.24 

Our Wonderful Porfell Trip!

Last Friday, KS1 and EYFS went to Porfell Wildlife Park to look at the farm animals in particular, but we also loved looking at all the other exotic animals that live there!

We loved watching the meerkats!  And all the other animals and birds... It was an amazing day! We learnt a lot about Porfell and how it was started over 35 years ago!!

In other news...

After a lovely long weekend, in science we dissected some flowering plants into their different parts.  We also had a visit from a NHS ambulance, we loved looking around it and seeing all the equipment that is needed - we especially enjoyed setting off the siren!!  In English we sequence the events from our trip to Porfell, ready to write a recount next week.


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We are passionate about learning.



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We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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