Class Blog for Whitsand

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w/e 8/12/23

Well, Christmas certainly hit Whitsand this week! 

We enjoyed getting ready for the annual Hunt the Issy night by making our electronic Christmas cards. We've gone further this week into investigating electrical circuits with switches!
On Wednesday, we were treated to a lovely story in our Reading Assembly and we had a wonderful time at the Christmas Tree Festival on Friday! We even bumped into Santa on the way back!
On Friday afternoon, we then got to watch the EYFS?KS1 show called 'It's a baby" which was soooooo fun!

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w/e 1/12/23

Another fabulous week in Whitsand class! We enjoyed planting some trees this week, doing some Christmas crafts and continuing to rehearse our songs for the Christingle.

We have continued to learn and recap column addition and subtraction in maths.

In English, we have been learning how to write a traditional tale-with an Aladdin theme. We retold the whole tory with actions and a story map!

In DT, we have learnt all about mechanisms and the Ancient Egyptian Shaduf.

In Computing, we made Step counters and emotions badges on our Micro:Bits - you can see us crazily dancing around in the video below, trying to get our steps up!

We have of course been learning lots more too!


Panto fun! w/e 24/11/23 

We love it when the Panto comes to town and this year we watched 'Aladdin'! It was magical!



w/e 17.11.23

This week was Anti-bullying week, Maths Week, RI week and Children in Need! Whoop!

We kicked off Maths Week by creating TetraTREEdrons and, later in the week, enjoyed the most fun workshop all about money! 

For Anti-Bullying week, we have been busy talking about ways to create positivity, what bullying means and what steps to follow to help if we think we, or someone else is being bullied.

On Wednesday, we enjoyed our second reading assembly and the children were, yet again, captivated by the story read to them.

We also were proud to have 4 members of our class represent the school choir at Truro Cathedral this week- well done, everyone-  the videos posted on the school Facebook page were wonderful and you made us all so proud!

On Thursday, we had the Royal Institute for Science in. This amazing opportunity allowed us to have great fun with Science and be totally inspired! 

We continued the fun science learning on Friday (Children in Need day!) when we investigated how to make circuits work. In computing, we used mini computers called Micro:Bits to make beating hearts! Amazing! 

In amongst all of this, we have also been continuing our classroom learning with beginning to write our non-chronological reports, learning about Area in maths, learning about Egyptian Gods, more Klee art and much, much more!



w/e 10.11.23

We had a wonderful time at the cinema this week and I was so proud of the whole class for their exemplary behaviour - you represented Brunel really well!

What did you think of the film?


KIRFs: Autumn 2 

New KIRFs for a new Half Term…

KIRFs are Key Instant Recall Facts that students in each year group learn so that they can answer them as speedily as possible. Knowing these core facts to automaticity boosts both confidence and attainment in maths lessons and 99 club. Check out the document below which details the KIRFs for each year group (Nursery to Year 6), as well as a range of exciting suggestions of learning methods and activities.

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w/e 3/11/23

So, we are straight back into Autumn term 2 and back to work, which is great fun obviously! 

In English, we're learning LOADS of facts about why the Ancient Egyptians lived by the River Nile. We're using some technical vocabulary!

In Maths we're nailing column methods for addition and subtraction but also learning some nifty tricks for when there are lots of zeros or nines involved!

In Computing, we were introduced to mini computers called Micro:Bits. They make noises, shapes and voices when we code them and we can't wait to do some projects with them. 

We've had some fantastic homework back so far - I've attached the sheet below in case you've lost it! The deadline is next Friday!

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w/e 13.10.23

We celebrated National Poetry Day last week and have continued enjoying hearing some poems from Allan Ahlberg this week - can your child remember which one was their favourite poem?

We finished our Place Value topic in Maths and have moved on to addition and subtraction this week. Our place value unit has greatly helped in building our learning as we continue to work closely with thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.

In English, we have started our poetry unit and are planning our Egyptian personification poems!

We continue to enjoy learning about the Ancient Egyptians and learnt more about culture and achievements this week and how this still impacts our lives today.

We are learning about the artist, Paul Klee, in our art lessons and creating some wonderful pieces of Egyptian inspired art - even Paul Klee loved Egypt!

Finally, today we investigated sound further and used the recycling that has been collected to junk model a musical instrument - it had to be able to make high and low pitch sounds. Thank you to everyone who helped with this. We hope you enjoy our mini concert!


w/e 29/9/23 

This week, we've done some fantastic learning about Ancient Egypt, rounding numbers and how to write historical portal stories. We have also read our class reader, 'The Wild Robot' every day and enjoyed our reading Roundabout sessions, where we focus on books, comprehension and reading for pleasure!

We really do love books, but from looking at the number of children who read daily, or even 3 or 4 times a week, you wouldn't know that.

This week, only 1 child read every day at home, 1 child read 4 times and 2 children read 3 times. We have 29 children in our class and they either read less than twice this week or not at all. In fact, since September, we have only had 22 marks on our reading tally. That means that in 4 weeks, only 22 times has ANYone in the class picked up their book and read it at home. And it's probably the same few children keeping that tally going. Reading is of utmost importance. It leads back to everything we do! Check out the infographic for some statistics.

On that line, we also only had 12 maths homework books back this week - please ensure maths homework is completed and returned every Friday.


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