Class Blog for Tregantle

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Money Money Money! 

This week Tregantle Class has been all about money! Our Year 1 children have been getting to grips with identifying coins and notes. There have been lots of interesting activities to practice using money and finding a total by using different coins. Our tuft tray activity has been a big hit with the children. The challenge has been to make different totals of money using as many or as few coins as possible. The EYFS children have made their own 'Tregantle Shop' in the role play area and have been busy stocking up on healthy fruits and vegetables! The children have been using our play money to pay for items and give change.
We have also been wonderful writers this week. Year 1 have written our class version of the story 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' which we re-named 'Mrs Honey's Outing.' There were some great adjectives and verbs including our spelling patterns for adding suffixes - amazing! The EYFS children have used their sounds and tricky word knowledge brilliantly to write about the animals that stole Handa's fruit in our class story 'Handa's Surprise.' What a busy week it has been! 


Super Sports Day! 

Sports Day Smiles!

What an incredible sports day we had at the beginning of the week! We started our 'Brunel Olympics' with a parade around the field - we all waved the brilliant flags from all of the countries taking part in the Olympics this year that we made last week. The year 1 children joined up with year 2 to take part in the quoits race - the children carefully balanced a quoit on their head and competed in a relay race. Next it was the EYFS children who did absolutely brilliantly in the sack race. They bounced like kangaroos! Both year groups joined the egg and spoon race which was lots of fun. The sprints were at the end of the event and what fast runners we had! The best thing about all of the events was that all of Tregantle Class took part with great sportsmanship and had smiles on their faces throughout. We finished our sports day with a picnic on the field and a disco. What an incredible day! 


Flying the flag 

Flags of the world!

We have had lots of fun preparing for sports day this week. All of the children are now well practiced in their races and raring to go for our sports day next week! Today we have all enjoyed choosing a flag from one of the countries that are competing in the 2024 Olympics and making our own to wave in the opening ceremony 'pupil parade' on Tuesday. We are really looking forward to welcoming all of our families for sports day and our annual Brunel picnic on Tuesday 2nd July! 


The Great Outdoors! 

Summer Sun

What lovely weather we've been enjoying this week! Tregantle Class have welcomed some new friends from different nurseries this week for their transition sessions to school. We spent lots of time in the garden using things from nature to make some crowns. The children used flowers, leaves and small sticks to create some fantastic patterns. We then made a new role play area in the garden - a pirate ship! The children all had lots of fun dressing up and finding treasure. Some children made treasure maps to help find the treasure and there was even a plank to walk along on the pirate ship! 
Tregantle Class have been getting active when practicing their races for sports day. We are getting very excited to take part in lots of races in a few weeks time! 


Art Week 

Amazing Art!

Tregantle Class have really enjoyed getting creative during our art week this week! We started the week with an assembly entitled 'be more like moss.' We learnt about how amazing moss is and looked closely at the textures and patterns it creates. The children then had the chance to make their own little piece of pom-pom moss by threading lots of different types of fabrics and adding them to the huge 'moss sheet.' 
Throughout the rest of the week the Year 1 children have focused on improving their observational drawing skills. They picked a different farm animal each day and used the shapes, lines and spacing that they saw to draw some very accurate animals. 
The EYFS children have been experimenting with the patterns they can make with paint. They have tried marble painting, bubble paining and string painting. All techniques were fully embraced and the classroom art wall is now full of very colourful paintings!  


Summer term 2 

Good to be back!

Tregantle Class have returned to school after the half term break full of energy and ready to learn for the final half term of the year!
Our Year 1 children have been very thoughtful this week during our learning about D Day. They took part in a reflection assembly and learnt about this significant event in our history. They then used their knowledge and creative skills to design a medal for the soldiers who fought in the war. 
In maths the Year 1 children have been getting active! We have learnt a really fun dance to help with our unit or work on position and direction with a focus on left and right, full, half and quarter turns and ordinal numbers. It's been a really fun way to learn these new things! In English we have learnt a list poem called 'Ten Things in a Wizards Pocket.' We are now changing the poem to be about a farmer!
Our EYFS children have been very busy writers this week. They have learnt the story 'The Three Little Pigs' off by heart and have been using this along with their amazing phonics knowledge to write some brilliant sentences about the characters in the story. In maths they have been learning how to identify odd and even numbers by finding pairs and then checking if there is one left over. What a busy week it's been! 


Fun and phonics! 

Relax the rules!

What a fun end to a very busy half term! We all enjoyed taking part in the BFA 'relax the rules day' at the end of the week. There were some wonderful outfits and accessories and funny back to front lessons! Some children even ate their pudding first at lunch time!

We have been very busy working on our phonics skills in Tregantle this week. We have taken part in a range of different phonics games making the children experts at all of the sounds they have learnt!

The Year 1 children completed their class story 'Fantastic Mr Fox' by Roald Dahl. The children have completed some wonderful character descriptions and book reviews which are ready to go on display in our book corner. 

After the success or releasing our butterflies last week, we have been very excited to welcome five new caterpillars into class! The children have been very observant in watching them move and eat.

We hope you all have a very enjoyable half term break! Fingers crossed for some nice weather!


Life cycles  

Beautiful butterflies

This week our learning about life cycles has reached its climax! We've been eagerly watching our caterpillars this term as they've eaten and grown into huge caterpillars - just like our story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar.' It was amazing to watch them build their cocoon  - and then we waited. This week was the week when we witnessed the butterflies emerging from their cocoons and it was truly spectacular. Tregantle Class watched in amazement as the butterflies stretched their wings and began to move around. The butterflies remained in their net in the classroom for most of the week, until finally on Friday we took them into our garden and release them into the wild. It was very interesting to see how the butterflies reacted to being set free. A few were very brave and flew off immediately to find new homes. Some were more cautious and were quite still sitting in the sun before they tentatively made their way into the sky. It was a wonderful experience to watch this life cycle first hand - from tiny caterpillars to beautiful flying butterflies!  


Terrific Trip! 

Our trip to Porfell wildlife Park

What an amazing trip we had to Porfell Wildlife Park last Friday! The day began with the excitement of getting on a very big coach which took us all the way to Porfell. We split into smaller groups to explore the park with some groups first visiting the children's farm and others the exotic animals. The children were very excited to meet meet the real life 'Christopher Nibbles' who had a very large enclosure with lots of his other Guinee-pig friends! The beautiful grey rabbits were very popular too! Feeding the sheep, goats and donkeys was such good fun and the children were very brave to feed them. 
There were so many animals to see in the exotic animals enclosures; Emu, zebra, wallabies to name but a few. Our absolute favourites though were the lemurs and the meerkats. We all spent ages watching them move around in their own unique ways. 
The reptile enclosure was very exciting - we learnt about the natural habitats of the snakes, lizards and tortoises. 
We all enjoyed our picnic together in the sun - whilst fending off some enthusiastic ducks and chickens who very much wanted to be involved in our picnic! We finished with a play in the park followed by a much quieter coach trip back to school! 


Keeping busy! 

Super scientists

It's been another full on week in Tregantle Class. KS1 started their new club 'multi-sports' on Tuesday after school. There was huge amounts of energy burned in fast moving games like dragon's treasure, cups and domes and cat and mouse. The hall was filled with fun and laughter!
Tregantle have been busy scientists this week. The Year 1 children have been learning about the parts of a plant. we had some very successful labelled diagrams of 'busy lizzies' (which we all thought was a really funny name) and we have learnt how to identify some flowers like poppies, pansies and buttercups. Our EYFS scientists have been delighted by the changes we've seen in our caterpillars this week. they have all moved to the top of the pot and have begun to make their cocoons. 
In maths the EYFS children have been working really hard all week to show their understanding of teens numbers in different ways. In the photograph you can see one of the children using cubes to represent the number 15 with a block of ten and a block of five. Fantastic! 
We are all super excited for our trip to Porfell Wildlife Park on Friday. Check out our blog next week hear all about it! 


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