week (Mon 11th - Fri 15th Nov), sees the
return of Maths Week England! As such, children will be taking part in lots of
fun maths puzzles and games in lessons, as well as finding out about maths in
real life careers during a Newsday Tuesday special.
celebrate, we also have some school-wide events taking place:
There'll be
lots of online and paper-based maths escape rooms to try as families. All are
welcome. For every escape room completed, you will gain an entry to a prize
draw! As usual, this half term's KIRFs and resources will be available to take
away too.
Open to all
ages. Take a photo of your child learning their KIRFs in an unusual way or
place and submit them to Mrs Swabey by Fri 15th Nov. There are
some fabulous prizes to be won! Please print and hand in to your child's
teacher or email them to
Please find
this half term's KIRFs attached to this blog post.
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We've had a fabulous day for the last day of the half term celebrating our grand finale of Black History Month. Tregantle Class learnt all about the artist Alma Thomas. We learnt about the sad times Alma had as a child where she wasn’t allowed in art galleries because of the colour of her skin. We also learnt that she was the first black American woman to have her own art exhibit in a gallery. The children completed their own art work in the style of Alma Thomas using bright colours and circular shapes - they look amazing!
What an exciting week it's been! The highlight of the week came on Thursday when we were lucky to take part in a street dance workshop run by Toby G. Tregantle children were amazing at learning the moves and showed great focus and attention while learning to street dance. This session was followed by a singing workshop provided by Cornwall Music Service. The children learnt some great songs about the story 'The Princess and the Pea' which they will be performing along with some other local schools in a few weeks.
Our Year 1 children have had an amazing week of swimming lessons. They have visited Saltash Leisure Centre every afternoon and their confidence has grown massively in the water. The swimming instructors commented on their commitment and progress over the week - Well done Tregantle!
What a busy week it's been - we've been non-stop! The week started with our wonderful Harvest Festival celebration. It was so nice to come together as a school and community and take the time to give thanks for all that we have. The children's singing was breath-taking! Our EYFS children have begun the 'brighter smiles' project which has been very exciting. We have been learning how to clean our teeth effectively and are now brushing our teeth at school every day to support good oral hygiene. On Thursday we had a really great day observing mental health awareness day. The children looked magnificent in their yellow clothes and accessories and we took time out to practice some relaxation techniques while listening to calming music. We have also been busy learning some new songs about the traditional story 'The Princess and the Pea.' We are really looking forward to joining together with some other schools to sing our songs together next week. On top of all of these exciting things the children have continued to work incredibly hard in their lessons. The children are become experts at recognising and writing all of the sounds we have learnt and have started to blend these sounds to read simple words - amazing!
Another busy week has flown by! The highlight has definitely been our English lessons which have focused on instructions. The children carefully followed the instructions to make Paddington's favourite snack - a marmalade sandwich! They were absolutely fantastic at using the instructions to carry out each step and Paddington kept a watchful eye on their progress! It was agreed that the best part of all was eating the yummy marmalade sandwich at the end!
We are all looking forward to planning our own instructions for making a different sandwich next week.
This week Tregantle Class have been getting very creative! The children have been inspired by our story of the week 'Little red Riding Hood' and have made lots of things linked to the story using lots of different resources from around the classroom. We have seen a magical forest using the magnetic construction, Grandma's cottage and bed using junk modelling and some tasty treats to put in Little Red Riding Hood's basket all made with play dough!
Our Year 1 children have thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with 'hot colours' in their art lesson. They carefully mixed red and yellow paint to make orange and used white and black to create different shades of their hot colours. They used their paints to create a 'hot colours' mood board.
There has been some more fantastic writing form out Tregantle children. EYFS are continuing to work so hard on practicing the correct formation of the new letters that they are learning. Again they have been very resourceful in the classroom using paint, water and chalk to 'keep trying' with their letter formation - just like 'keep trying Kangaroo.' Our fabulous Year 1 children have now completed their own stories of 'Paddington in Saltash.' We had a wonderful walk down to Saltash Fore Street on Monday to gain inspiration for places for Paddington to visit on his trip to Saltash. The children chose Rowes the Bakery, the Leisure Centre, the train station and of course Brunel School!
Year 1 enjoyed another exciting cricket session with Cricket Chris on Wednesday. He was very impressed with how our throwing and catching skills are developing! I think we are all in need of a restful weekend after a very busy week at school!
Another week has flown by in Tregantle Class - and what a fun week we've had! Our EYFS children have been making the most of the nice weather and exploring our amazing garden area. We went on a 'bug hunt' and found all sorts of interesting creatures and insects. The children have used the magnifying glasses and bug identification sheets to find out what the bugs they found are called. We have got really into our story of the week 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' The children have been busy acting out the story and making their own beanstalks. We are super proud of how hard the EYFS children are working in their phonics lessons. We are using our 'SHAPE' learning skills every day to learn and remember each new sound. Our rhyme of the week has been 'This Little Piggy.' Tregantle Class are now experts at reciting the rhyme and have even made up some of their own actions to go with the rhyme.
In year 1 the children have been working on numbers to 10. Their focus has been finding 1 more and 1 less and using sentence stems to show their learning. In English they have written their class story 'Paddington Bear' using capital letters and full stops - amazing! The children really enjoyed their RE lesson this week where they listened to the story of Moses. You can see the children re-enacting the story in the photographs. The Year 1's have been lucky to have two sessions with 'Cricket Chris' this week and develop their throwing and catching skills.
Once again we are so pleased that the Tregantle children have tried so hard to use their 'Issy Manners' all week. We have been filled with pride listening to them talk confidently using please and thank you to the adults and children around school. There has also been a whole school focus on saying kind words, of which we've heard so much of in Tregantle Class. What incredible children we have!
What an amazing first full week of Tregantle Class we've had! Our EYFS children have settled in incredibly well and have come to school with a happy smile on their face each morning. They have been very busy exploring their new learning environment and have already achieved so much. As you can see from the pictures we have had children learning to climb over a high wall, use scissors successfully, use a screw driver and paint an outside wall! During our phonics sessions the children have learnt 4 sounds - m, a, s and d. They have been practicing their sounds both at school and at home which means they are making a real strong start in phonics.
Our Year 1 children have been busy bees; they are absolutely loving their story 'Paddington Bear' and have written some fantastic sentences to describe Paddington. In maths the children have been counting objects and matching them to the correct number. In science we have been learning all about the materials that are all around us - they did a great job identifying what things are made of.
Despite such a busy week all of the children have remembered to use their 'Issy Manners' around school and have been showing off their 'please' and 'thank you' to grown ups and their friends. What a great start to school!
This half term's Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) for maths can be found in the document below. KIRFs are carefully planned and considered for each year group, right from Nursery through to Year 6 in order to provide our students with an increased speed, fluency and confidence with core number facts, which are the very foundation of their maths learning.
At Brunel, we think maths is far from boring! There are lots of exciting and fun ways to practise and learn these facts; take a look in the document below to find a variety of ideas, resources and online links.
What's more - you are invited to Brunel's half-termly Games Night! Join us on Thursday to play a wide range of family favourites: board games, card games, puzzles and more... All of these will help to sharpen maths skills, whilst having fun: it's win-win!
Everyone is welcome: all year groups, friends and family. There will be refreshments available for children.
During the evening, teachers will be available to be challenged to a game or two, as well as answer any questions about your child's KIRFs and maths learning.
FREE resources will also be available to take away in order to help children to practise their KIRFs at home.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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Tregantle team are very excited to be back at school and ready for the term ahead! Our Year 1 children will be starting on Wednesday 4th September and our EYFS children will be starting between 4th and 9th September. It's an exciting time but also perfectly normal to feel nervous or unsure about starting or returning to school. Please reassure your children that the grown ups at school are here to support them and make them feel happy and have lots of fun at school.
There are many exciting things happening in the next few weeks. EYFS parents can keep up to date with events etc on Tapestry and Year 1 parents on Dojo. Please get in touch if you are having difficulty logging in to your account. The 'meet the teacher' event for Tregantle Class will take place after school on Tuesday 10th September. All parents are welcome to come along and find out more about the year ahead. The meeting will take place in the EYFS classroom. In addition to this we are holding a 'meet the Headteacher' event on Thursday 5th September at 9am. Please come along to meet out new Headteacher Mr Woolner! In the meantime please see attached the overview for our key learning in Year 1 for the autumn term.
The Tregantle blog page will be updated weekly to keep you up to date with what your children have been up to in class. We are all looking forward to seeing you all very soon!
Mrs Grinsted
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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
Brunel is an Ofsted graded 'GOOD' school with 'OUTSTANDING' Personal Development and Early Years Provision - click here to see the full report
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.