Class Blog for Talland

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Week ending 02.02.24 

A hive of activity

The children in  Talland Class have had a splendid time learning about a range of subjects this week. This ranged from applying their knowledge and understanding of watercolour techniques to create amazing paintings on the theme of clouds in the local area to creating their own artificial intelligence (AI) device.  As you will see in the pictures, the thought, application of knowledge and creativity put into the watercolour paintings is fabulous. Well done, Talland Class.

The unit of maths started this week is fractions. The children are already confident in finding equivalent fractions and will learn how to sequence them next week. 

As the time is approaching for a visit to the Houses of Parliament, the children are learning how to write persuasive letters to improve the quality of water in the environment. They already know how to set out a letter with the address and date. They will now learn how to use persuasive techniques in their letters.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

What happens if you throw a white hat into the Black Sea? – It gets wet!

Where can you find an ocean with no water? – On a map!


Week ending 26.01.24 

Securing knowledge of written methods for division

The children of Talland have now secured the knowledge and understanding of division using various written methods. They are confident, enthusiastic and increasing applying the knowledge and understanding of division to solve word problems. A great achievement Talland, well done!

Using the skills taught in previous weeks, for example, metaphors, irregular past tense verbs and informal writing techniques, the children have drafted their first copy of a diary entry for Narnia. A copy of part of a whole class shared write is below (this involves all children of the class and they work in small groups to suggest what should be included in the writing):

The weather was terrible (as always); I was missing home. The decrepit, tedious mansion was certainly not child-friendly! Nevertheless, Edmund made a fabulous suggestion about how we could make this wreck of a mansion fun for children. You have probably already guessed: hide and seek. As I crept carefully into the first of the mysterious mansion rooms, a dark, wooden and dilapidated wardrobe (with peeling rusty brown paint) stood before me.

They have used some amazing expanded noun phrases and personification. 

The children particularly enjoyed programming micro:bit (mini computers) this week. They have developed their knowledge of algorithms and are able to extend computer programs with their own ideas. This is amazing. 

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

 Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honey combs!

What can you catch but not throw? A cold!


Week ending 19.01.24 

Enjoying Y5 Learning

Talland Class have had an eclectic week of learning. Each child has put in lots of effort, despite the cold weather. During the art lesson, they used their knowledge and understanding of water colours from last week to water colour paint different types of clouds. This will lead into next week's session when they will create their own local painting using their understanding of cloud formation to enhance the painting. 

During computing, the children have been programming a micro:bit piece of hardware too depict a heart beat. They understand they they need to create an algorithm (set of instructions) for the program to work.

During our English studies, the children have learned how to use emotive language to describe a character's feelings. As you can see in the picture, the children were portraying a person who is happy. They had lots of fun doing this.

With developing confidence of using written methods to solve a multiplication number sentence, the children have applied this knowledge and understanding to solve one and two-step written problems. Well done Talland Class, this is not an easy task but you have been successful with the challenge. 

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes: 

What did the artist draw before he went to bed? – The curtains!

What do you get when you cross a computer with an elephant? - Lots of memory!


Week ending 12.01.24 

Start of Spring Term 2024

This has been Talland Class's first full week of learning for the Spring Term. The children have worked amazingly well throughout the whole of the week with great listening skills; increased confidence in classroom discussions; and putting in 100% effort in all of their school work.

They have learned different techniques with watercolours. Their favourite technique seemed to be dripping watercolour paint on top of dried watercolour paint. The children's knowledge of complementary colours is developing and they are now making informed decisions when choosing colours with their own paintings. Well done, Talland Class,


The children are now immersed in fantasy writing. We are using C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe as a tool to inspire the children and help them generate their own ideas for a fantasy story. 


This week has helped the children to consolidate, secure and further understand the process of written methods for multiplication. They have readdressed the use of the grid method to multiply, which uses the idea of partitioning each number so the children can understand the multiplication process for multiplying a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number, for instance. The week started with a, 'I can't do this!' and ended with, ' that all it is!' 

best wishes

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?

Because the children were so bright.

What is a witch's favourite subject in school?




week ending 15.12.23 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Duit (Gaelic)
Z Rizdvom i novym rokom (Ukraine)
Nadelek Lowen ha Bledhen Nowydh Da (Cornish)

The children wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in some of the languages they have encountered this term. They have enjoyed learning different phrases in other languages, more especially the Gaelic phrases as it was part of our study of the Scots, Picts, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. They particularly enjoyed learning about their own Celtic heritage. 

The learning they have appreciated the most has been: swimming, the Viking Day, writing a traditional story based on Aladdin, writing poetry and using literary devices to enhance their work (similes, for example), singing and learning numbers into the hundreds of thousands.

Talland Class have put an incredible amount of effort in to all of their learning during this Autumn Term. They are to be congratulated and truly deserve the pleasures Christmas provides them. 

As a team, we would also like to thank all of our parents, guardians, carers and other adults who, through your dedication and support for the children in Talland Class, facilitate every child's learning and helps them to attain their true potential. 

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy 2024!

best wishes

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes to complete 2023: 

What kind of photos do elves take? Elfies!

What’s a cow’s favourite night of the year? Moo Year’s Eve.

 Image Gallery



Week ending 08.12.23 

St Nicholas and St Faith Church visit

The children enjoyed their visit to the plethora of Christmas Trees in St Nicholas and St Faith Church, Saltash. Their Carol singing in front of the altar was melodic, harmonious and a traditional introduction to the Christmas Season. Well done, Talland Class!

The children have meticulously planned their parody of Aladdin. They have used many amazing English strategies to enhance their writing, for example, fronted adverbials to link paragraphs (As the Sun began to set, etc.). We are all looking forward to witness these traditional stories progress.

The children have secured their knowledge and understanding of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. They approached the problem solving challenges with maturity, confidence and gusto. The children's learning ethos is evolving.

This week's joke: How do Christmas trees get their email? They log-on.

Enjoy your well earned weekend.

Mr Parry and Mrs Swabey


Week ending 01.12.23 

Talland Class' Vector Drawing Skills

Talland Class have developed their vector drawing skills during this week's computing session. They were required to manipulate objects in their drawings. To do this, they created an image and then copied it. This allowed them to change parts of the second image so each drawing was unique. They had lots of fun during this and learned how to effectively copy, past, layer objects and manipulate each part of the image. It was fabulous to see these drawings evolve over the lesson. Congratulations Talland for the effort you put into this session.

The children have secured their knowledge and understanding in multiplying a number by 10, 100 and 1000. They recognise division as the inverse of multiplication and are confident in using the inverse to check their answers. 

After the school's pantomime performance, the children have now started to plan and write their own version of Aladdin. They have chosen Saltash as the scene and have generated ideas about the characters of Aladdin and the Genie. We are looking forward to continuing these Aladdin parodies.

This week's joke: Q: Why did the computer squeak? A: Because someone stepped on it's mouse!

Enjoy your well deserved weekend.

Mr Parry and Mrs Swabey

 Image Gallery



Week ending 24.11.23 

It's been another busy week for Talland Class. The children have edited, recited and written up their World War 1 cinquain poems. As always, the level of commitment to the writing was amazing by all of the children. They approach figurative language with confidence, creative and enthusiasm. The passion they displayed during the recitals of the poems was poignant and emotional. Thank you Talland Class. The poems have now been made into a book and sits in the Reading Corner of the classroom. 

Most of this week has been used to challenge the children in their understanding of Prime and Composite numbers. They all recognise and can explain that a Prime Number only has two factors - 1 and itself. Many of the children have grasped the concept that number 1 is not a Prime as it only has one factor. 

Talland Class enjoyed this year's Aladdin Performance. They will use the Traditional Story of Aladdin to write their very own version over the next couple of weeks. Thank you for all of your hard work, Talland Class.

This week's joke: What kind of pet did Aladdin have ? A flying car-pet !

Enjoy your well earned weekend rest everyone.

Mr Parry and Mrs Swabey

 Image Gallery



Week ending 17.11.23 

An amazing learning week

The children of Talland Class have had an amazing fun packed week. This has ranged from being part of the Primary Maths Week a to creating a beautiful illuminated letter using another artist's work. They now have lots of fabulous ideas to develop and create their own unique letter next week.


Monday began with an exploration of triangles to start off our Maths'Week activities. They learned how to tesselate triangles (design a pattern using small triangles) and also use triangles to create a 3-dimensional shape (tetrahedron). Their ideas developed as they problem solved.


Talland Class further explored World War 1 by investigating and creating their own cinquain poem (a poem of five lines with a specific amount of syllables for each line to form a diamond shape). They used their planning session to create a range of vocabulary and figurative language ideas to use in the poems: for example, the tumbling tiresome soldiers treaded forlornly in the trench. 

The children are working effectively, enthusiastically and energetically this term. It's fabulous to be part of this. Thank you, Talland Class! Keep going with the positive attitude you have to your learning.

Maths joke:
What did the calculator tell the students before their math test? Don't worry, you can count on me!

Mr Parry and Mrs Swabey

 Image Gallery



Week ending 10.11.23 

It has been a busy week with lots of fun learning for Talland Class. The children joined in with the school's Remembrance Service and have started to understand why, who and what we remember at this time of the year.

The children have further developed their draft illuminated letters by adding colours. The next step will be to create their very own illuminated letter using the initial of their name.

Talland Class are focusing on reading for pleasure. This will help provide a positive ethos and nurture a natural interest with reading. We are supporting this by teaching specific reading skills which will provide strategies for the children to use to gain more understanding from the text they read: for example, thinking about how a character in a particular text is feeling by using their own experiences.

The children have now embarked on the multiplication and division unit of mathematics. They will be able to use their previous knowledge gained through addition and subtraction to support them through this. During the lessons, they have already learned about the language used for multiplication and division, for instance, factor and multiple. 

Mr Parry and Mrs Swabey

This week's joke:
Why is Cinderella so bad at playing football? She runs away from the ball.


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