Class Blog for Mousehole

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Week Ending 2/2/2024 

Number Day

Mousehole Class had great fun exploring the patterns that are created with multiplications.

Using a circle that had been divided into 10 equal spaces, we connected the digits based on the ones number in a given times table i.e. 3, 6, 9 the 2 of 12, the 5 of 15, the 8 of 18 etc, until we returned to 0 (our starting point). Once we had completed the 2, 3 and 4 times tables and examined the shapes we had made, we then predicted which pattern the 6 times table would match. We thought the 6s would match the 3s as we had learnt in previous maths lessons that the 6 times table is double the 3. It turns out the 6s match the 4s. This puzzled us for a while until we had completed the 7s (which matched the 3s) and the 8s (which matched the 2s). We had a theory that the number bonds to 10 had the same patterns, so we completed the 9s and 1s to see if they matched. They did. Mathematical magic! 


Creative Haiku Poem Challenge 

Have a look at some of our fabulous entries for the Fowey Festival that we created this week. We took our learning of Haiku poems a step further by creating some new Haikus with the competition topic of 'Beaches'. We will be sending off our entries soon!


Marvellous Mousehole Mathematicians  

Mousehole class have been super when multiplying and dividing by 3 and 4 this week. Keep rehearsing at home! 'Hit the Button' is a great free online game to help repeat times tables at home!


Spring Week 1 

It has been a super start to the Spring term. We have started our new topic-‘What’s so amazing about the Ancient Greeks?’ by constructing a timeline as a class about the different eras within it. The children worked hard in groups to do this and then presented the facts about their era.

In English, we have starting our learning about Japanese Haiku poems-can your child tell you how many lines and syllables they have? We have started our multiplication and division unit in maths and will have a particular focus around multiplying and dividing by 3, 4 and 8 over the next week.

We have started to learn about the Hindu faith in RE and in art we are began our learning by looking at who the sculpture Antoni Gaudi was.

We have started our machines topic dance and there were some great robotic moves this week!

Please see the document attached which shows our learning for this term.


 Image Gallery



Merry Christmas!! 


Festive Mousehole Mice!

We have been full of festive cheer these last couple of weeks.

We decorated the classroom with the wonderful winter paintings and cards as well as the very sparkly pharaoh heads that the children all worked so hard on. They bring smiles and joy to all who visit the classroom (and to lucky us who have them decorating our walls).

Hunt the Issy, singing carols at St Anne's, visiting our Brunel Christmas tree decorations at the festival, Christmas lunch and of course the Christingle have packed our timetables with joy.

We have also been working hard on our adapted Aladdin stories and enjoying finishing our learning about the Ancient Egyptians. On the final days we shall put our DT plans into action by creating a working Shaduf with mechanisms.

To all of year 3: What a fantastic first term we have had. Enjoy the break and we will look forward to seeing you in the new year.



Week Ending 30.11.23 


    Look who has earnt their pen Licenses!!! Super work ethic and resilience has ensured that these 5 children have been the first to earn theirs this year.

Another fabulous week in Mousehole class. We enjoyed planting this week, Christmas crafts and continuing to rehearse our songs for the Christingle. We have continued to learn and recap column addition and subtraction in maths. In English, we have been learning how to write a traditional tale-with an Aladdin theme.  In DT, we have learnt all about mechanisms and the Ancient Egyptian Shaduf. We have of course been learning lots more too!



Panto fun! 


Week Ending 17.11.23 

Busy Week!

Wow! What a busy week for the Mousehole Mice! We kicked off Maths Week by creating TetraTREEdrons (see previous post) and enjoyed working with triangles whilst being creative later on in the week.

This week is also Anti-Bullying week and we have been busy talking about ways to create positivity, what bullying means and what steps to follow to help if we think we, or someone else is being bullied. Check out our positivaTREE pictured here (the tree theme was unintentional this week!!).

On Wednesday, we enjoyed our second reading assembly and the children were, yet again, captivated by the story read to them.

We also were proud to have 12 member of our class represent the school choir at Truro Cathedral this week-well done guys the videos posted on the school Facebook page were wonderful and I you made us all so proud!

On Thursday we had the Royal Institute for Science in. This amazing opportunity allowed us to have great fun with Science and be totally inspired! 

In amongst all of this, we have also been continuing our classroom learning with beginning to write non-chronological reports, column subtraction with exchange (borrowing), learning about Egyptian Gods, Winter landscape painting and much much more!


Maths Week Fun! 

Maths Week 2023

We are having lots of fun with maths week in Mousehole class! Check out our awesome TetraTREEdron we made! 


Awesome Animations! 

Take a look at some of the awesome animations created by Mousehole Class in computing this week!

Second video here: 


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