Class Blog for Marazion Y3 Y4

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Autumn 2 Week 3 

Marazion class have truly made us so proud this week. They performed their class assembly to an incredible high standard. The oracy skills shown were superb. Thank you to this parents and grandparents who were able to join us.

As well as our rehearsals and performance, the children have continued to work hard across the curriculum which has included learning about Democracy in PSHE, Rosh Hashanah in RE, continuing our work with earthquakes in geography, writing our first draft of a non-chronological report in English and column addition and subtraction in maths (Y3)!

We thoroughly enjoyed our STEM workshop on Tuesday where the children used their Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical skills to work to design and code robots.

We have been delighted with the homework that has been coming in this week. Thank you so much for your support with this. The children have shone when sharing what they have done.

We also learnt some vital road safety skills in our assembly on Wednesday. Friday is ‘wear bright’ to school (on coats and/or bags-still normal school uniform please) where a prize will be given to the best class.

Next Thursday is our school reading café after school where families can pop up to the KS2 hall to enjoy books together and for fun around books. It will be lovely to see your support with this.


Autumn 2 Week 2 

What a fun-filled week, jam-packed with learning about respect for anti-bullying week and maths activities for maths week! We spent time to remember lives lost for remembrance and did activities in class and our remembrance service.

The children have also greatly enjoyed learning about earthquakes, creating video news reports (reporting on an earthquake)and learning about how to make buildings safer in their construction to withstand an earthquake!



Autumn 2 Week 1 

Marazion class have settled back into school so well after half term. 
We have enjoyed progressing with our learning about non-chronological reports, addition and subtraction and our topic 'How active is our planet?'. We have started to look at earthquakes and how they are formed.
In PE, we have enjoyed our first session in gymnastics looking at using symmetrical shapes. 

Today, we finished our RE topic of Hinduism and the children  had fun with colour learning about 'How vibrant is Hindu life in Britain?' by using bright colours.

Next week is Anti-bullying week and maths week.


Autumn 2 KIRFs and Upcoming Maths Week England 

Maths Roundup

Next week (Mon 11th  - Fri 15th Nov), sees the return of Maths Week England! As such, children will be taking part in lots of fun maths puzzles and games in lessons, as well as finding out about maths in real life careers during a Newsday Tuesday special.

To celebrate, we also have some school-wide events taking place:

  • Thursday 14th November - Family Games Night: Maths Escape Room Edition! 

There'll be lots of online and paper-based maths escape rooms to try as families. All are welcome. For every escape room completed, you will gain an entry to a prize draw! As usual, this half term's KIRFs and resources will be available to take away too.

  • Crazy KIRFs photo competition!

Open to all ages. Take a photo of your child learning their KIRFs in an unusual way or place and submit them to Mrs Swabey by Fri 15th Nov. There are some fabulous prizes to be won! Please print and hand in to your child's teacher or email them to

Please find this half term's KIRFs attached to this blog post.

 Image Gallery



Last Week Before Half term 

We have been learning about the fascinating and wonderful Floella Benjamin today as part of our Black History month. The children have learnt about her life, difficulties and how she used courage and determination to overcome these. We shared what we learnt in assembly and listened to the other classes as they talked about who they had learnt about too.

Sustrans Workshop

 We enjoyed our Sustrans workshop on Wednesday where we learnt about the impact that transport is having on the environment and thought about other ways we could get to school.

It has been a wonderful half term and the class have all worked so hard and deserve a well earned break!

Thank you for all of your support over the last half term. 


Marazion Dancing Legends! 

We LOVED learning some street dance on Thursday this week!


Super Last Cricket Session!  

The class really enjoyed our last cricket session today and the children demonstrated the progress they had made within each skill!


Week Ending 11/10/24 

Mental Health Awareness Day

Today, we celebrated mental health awareness day by wearing yellow and prioritising our mental health. Marazion class have taken part in different activities including mindfulness activities, creating positivity badges and recognising what is is great about ourselves.

Other exciting learning this week has included learning about tectonic plate movements with Oreos, finishing our explosive painting as well as creating our personification poems.





Week Ending 04.09.24 

It has been another great week for Marazion class. We have celebrated National Poetry Day 2024 by taking part in a Guinness World Record attempt for the world's largest poetry lesson!
In maths, we have continued to work on place value and year 3 have just began their journey with addition and subtraction where they worked with key vocabulary and have applied number bonds within 10 ready to use their key knowledge across hundreds soon.
In Geography, we learnt about different volcanoes, where they are in the world and what 'active', 'dormant' and 'extinct' volcanoes are.
We enjoyed learning more cricket skills with Cricket Chris and dodging skills in PE (netball). 
In Science, we've been learning about three different types of rock (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) and how they are formed. We've already modelled some in edible form and are learning a song, with actions to help us remember. So this week we're going to put on our safety specs and investigate which rock would make the best statue.

On Thursday, we learn about Harvest ahead of our Harvest Assembly on Monday.

The children have been developing their SHAPE for learning well-can they tell you what this means?

On Thursday next week, we are celebrating Mental Health Awareness day where they children are welcome to wear something yellow and we will be exploring different ways of keeping mindful.

Guiness World Record attempt!

Also, a copy of the poem and a thank you letter are in the files below - each child will get a paper copy of these to have!

 Image Gallery



Week Ending 27.09.24 

In English, the children have written superb descriptive settings about a stormy sea at Marazion. They used a range of devices like figurative language to create imagery and have worked really hard in producing such wonderful pieces.

In maths we have come to the end of our Place Value unit. Next week we will start on our addition and subtraction unit where we will continue to work hard with our number facts so that our mental, reasoning and problem solving strategies develop.

Teamwork is incredibly important, not only at school or in team sports, but in so many situations through out life. We have picked apart what it really means to demonstrate teamwork in different scenario and the impact this has as opposed to not.
On Wednesday, we had a session with Lyndsey who talked to the children about mental health and gave some useful tips.

PE and Cricket:
The children have continued to work on their ball skills in PE lessons where they have continued with netball skills and in cricket with Cricket Chris this week. Cricket will continue and the children will need to be in kit next Wednesday again as well as Tuesday for PE.

Our volcano paintings in the style of Jackson Pollock have started to take shape!

We continue to investigate rock types in fun ways!

Some of the children also enjoyed visiting St Anne's on Monday!

We've had some great entries to the Wildlife photo competition and some very enthusiastic children who have shown and spoken to us about their photos.


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